Record Details

page C-38

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page C-38 Final environmental statement : authorized municipal and industrial system, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, Utah, Vol. 1, page C-38
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Date 14
Format C-38 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; their associated load of nutrients dissolved solids and other centam contam imants inants levels of pesticides heavy metals toxic substances and coliforms coli forms should remain close to preproject pre project levels 4 deer creek reservoir deer creek reservoir is presently experiencing water quality degradation because of eutrophic conditions seasonal dissolved oxygen deficiencies high iron and manganese concentrations and other taste and odor problems result from decomposition of excessive noxious algal blooms phosphorus has been identified as the limiting nutrient in deer creek reservoir it is predicted that jordanelle danelle Jor reservoir would reduce the present phosphorus load to deer creek reservoir by 20 to 25 percent A new land application wastewater treatment system for heber city and midway should provide another phosphorus reduction of 20 percent into deer creek the proposed project recreation easements along the provo river between jordanelle Jor danelle and deer creek reservoir would prevent livestock from degrading water quality and would also reduce erosion in that stream reach which would cause additional nutrient reduction into deer creek reservoir the combination of all these nutrient reductions if they are implemented soon enough should slow down the eutrophication process at deer creek reservoir and possibly benefit the quality of mai m&i water diversions however it should be noted that if eutrophication continues to accelerate in deer creek reservoir the heavy metals and other taste and odor problems experienced will increasingly impair mai m&i diversions water quality problems at deer creek reservoir are now increasing the municipal water treatment costs since the metropolitan water district of salt lake city is treating the reservoir with copper sulfate algicide alg icide As eutrophication continues higher water treatment costs will occur 5 provo river below deer creek dam project operation would reduce winter flows and thereby lower water quality during these months by concentrating nutrients coliforms coli forms and biological oxygen demand from the present sources of sewage contamination in provo canyon and utah valley conversely increased summer flows under project operation would tend to dilute the concentration from these same sources and thereby improve water quality during the summer in neither case however would these changes cause the concentrations to exceed those that presently occur utah lake is presently hypereutrophic hyper eutrophic and the project would not change the nutrient or other contaminant load enough to cause a significant impact on the lake during construction of the jordan and alpine aqueducts there would be minor impacts of increased turbidity and sediment loads where the pipelines cross natural drainages andor canals there are no major stream crossings however and the construction would probably occur when most of the annual streams were dry the contractors would be required to minimize erosion and any wastewaters waste waters would have co to meet C 38

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