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page 227

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 227 Final supplement to the final environmental impact statement : Diamond Fork System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 227
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 227 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 2 intermountain water alliance 2 A second big problem is that the diamond fork system will take high quality water from the uinta mountains and dump 105300 acre feet plan A 89000 acre feet plan B and 82100 acre feet plan C into the highly eutrophic slightly saline utah lake for Muni mum municiple ciple and industrial use this compares to the recommended plan supplement to definite plan report advanced draft oct 1987 figure 10 of 44600 acre feet of water from the diamond fork system into utah lake this is probably the biggest waste of oi pure maountain water in the world the downgrading of high quality water could be altered if the wallburg wall wail waii burg tunnel were implemented this alternative has always been dismissed by water developers with the statement the wall wallburg burg tunnel has been adequately considered but the alternative is dismissed there has been no good reason for the dismissing of this alternative and the public has not seen any discussion of the alternative the implementation of course would have eliminated the jordanelle Jor danelle alternative as well as the transbasin trans basin diversion but apparently does not meet the mythological standards that drive utahs water works the present water policy the diamond fork system should the scheme as described in this latest draft report come to fruition would be contrary to all of the last 30 years of efforts in the united states of preserving high quality water 3 A third big problem is that the bureau of reclamation continues to advocate off site mitigation this is disastrous in the west and will lead to extinctions extinct ions of species because no biological survey of the region has been instituted itmay irmay it may already have contributed to the extinction of the wasatch western spotted frog the area proposed for destruction by the bureau of reclamation the provo river and spanish fork river systems have abundant anabundant unabundant an diversity of aquatic species that do not occur in the strawberry river area likewise the strawberry river area has one species of leech that is not foundin fountin found in the bonneville basin these species survived in regions which were neither flooded by pleistocene lake bonneville nor glaciated by the alpine glaciers see figure 1 for a list of amphibians and leeches mollusks and fish show similar results figure 1 distribution of leeches and amphibians in the wasatch area bonneville basin colorado river basin weber provo spanish for strawberry A tigrinum tigri num P triseriata triseriate trise riata B boreas adult only R pi pipiensdisappearing piens plens disappearing R pretiosa preciosa pret iosa extinct H stagnalis stag nalis P picta dicta P ornata fornata G complanata complanate com planata E punctate punctata punct ata E dubia E parva N obscura obscure M microstoma microstomia micro stoma H marmorata 227 species 10 12 6 8

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