Record Details

page H-50

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page H-50 Final environmental statement : authorized Jensen Unit, Central Utah Project, Utah, page H-50
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format H-50 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; in any given stream natural influences generally compensate natural habit habitat losses with the exception of large floods in which the habitat is destroyed for many years ashley creek above steinaker feeder canal is an unregulated stream and therefore subject to frequent flooding which could change the state classification this section will be studied by the utah division of wildlife resources during the fall of 1975 if this study confi bonfi confirms rms that a valuable fishery does exist and should be protected there are various options possible to accomplish this historically the annual flow of ashley springs helped maintain a minimum flow in ashley creek between the spring and major canal diversions but with present and future development of ashley springs as a municipal and industrial water supply the streamflow stream flow will become increasingly depleted ultimately 22900 acre feet of ashley springs water will be put into the municipal water system leaving inadequate flows to maintain a fishery in this 72 mile section of stream about 35 years ago the forest service granted to ashley valley reservoir company permission to divert water from the oaks park reservoir across a sagebrush alluvial flat grasshopper flats to ashley creek during the irrigation season over the years an onen cut has been eroded by this canal and an irregular deep channel has been cut by the intermittent flow because of the excessive gradient 515 5 15 degrees continued cutting will win wil wll occur as long as water is allowed to move through the channel and stabilization without corrective measures is unlikely various stopgap stop gap measures to control this have been tried over the years but the erosion has not been stopped the canal company has been given two years to solve the erosion problem or suffer loss of their special use permit it should be emphasized that the jensen unit would not cause the reduced flow in ashley creek nor aggravate the erosion problem on grasshopper flats therefore any options to solve these problems would be enhancement oriented rather than mitigatory in nature the two problems are interconnected and in some cases a solution for one would be a solution for both 1 option one this option would be use of the existing oaks park reservoir to provide provid a minimum flow in ashley creek delivery would be via a new 10 cfs casi cs cf cfsi si pipeline parallel to the existing oaks park canal the buried pipeline I 1 V ten cfs cs is used as a minimum flow sufficient to provide adequate fish habitat this figure was derived from contacts with utah division of wildlife resources and review of available data H 50

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