Record Details

page 4-26

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 4-26 Final environmental impact statement on the Wasatch County Water Efficiency Project and Daniel Replacement Project, page 4-26
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 4-26 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; table 329 3 29 summary of adverse and beneficial wetland impacts under the daniel replacement project with canal alternative impact type tipe lost wetlands upper strawberry river basin created wetlands upper strawberry river basin enhanced wetland wetlatd wetland quality and functions upper strawberry river basin wet meadow acres 0 0 36.8 368 emergent marsh acres 0 3.4 34 34 T 0 riparian woodland acres 2.1 21 21 0 0 shrub wetland acres 0 2.6 26 26 33.6 336 page W 385 3 85 left column paragraph 4 section 355.2 3552 3552 change to read very little is known about the habitat preferences of the leatherside chub however the historic distribution of this species suggests a cool water preference based on collections by woodward clyde consultants CUWCD 1993b during heber valley field surveys they are usually found in areas characterized by cobblegravel cobble gravel substrates low to medium velocity warm late summer temperatures and some turbidity it is unclear whether the chub prefer this type of habitat or are driven there by competition or predation by trout and other coldwater cold water species lempar eempar compared ed to te the coid celd cold weder water wager wader pr preference eger efer enee page W 385 3 85 right column paragraph 3 change to read 355.3 3553 3553 other aquatic resources other aquatic resources include benthic macroinvertebrates macro invertebrates aquatic insects crustaceans annelids annelida anne lids and mollusks and amphibians frogs salamanders amanders salamanderi sal no specific field surveys were conducted for either of these two groups except for the spotted frog which is a category 1 candidate threatened and endangered species see section 3.7 37 37 threatened and endangered species A category 1 candidate is a species proposed for listing in the federal register under the ESA page W 387 3 87 left column paragraphs 4 & 5 section 35631.1 356311 change to read the aquatic resource SOPs included in chapter 1 section 1129.1 11291 would minimize the potential for impact on cutthroat trout spawning areas in the upper strawberry river basin there is potential per for fer pef increased turbidity in streams associated with the abandonment abandef flefft and removal f of e DIG DIC diversion facilities in the kipper upper tipper strawberry river basin turbidity would inie ifie increase fease noticeably as ets ebs bbs the BIG DIC bic dig diversion facilities are arc afe f removed and sediments become sus ses suspended pended in the water column the increased turbidity has the potential to te impact spawning areas of cutthroat troue trout treue spring sp spawncrs es efs or ef kekanee kokanco kewanee fall spawiiefs spawncra spawn cea cra eeg depending on en the season of ef construction and the amfie affie ammie amount yint tint of ef flew flow fiew in ift int the stream cutthroat troue trout treue sp spawning areas aas nas nag a occur in the f reaches of ef the upper strawberry river ri ef tributaries tributa ies ries fieg fleg les where the DIG DIC bic big diversion facilities elik elih would bo be abandoned and removed abandonment and anid annd r removal during th the spring to te early gummer summer could chuse cause effuse sedimentation of ef cutthroat treut trout troug sp spawning gravels wels weis where eggs ander andor pry fry are arc afe devel developing eping which wohld would r result in a significant impact on ea game fish pish aish fish figh and A x0he their if habitat habit4 habith 426 4 26

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