Record Details

page 128

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 128 Central Utah Project, Bonneville Unit : Diamond Fork Power System : final Environmental Impact Statement, page 128
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 128 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER IV AFFECTED environment AND environmental consequences blue green algae which are nitrogen f fixers during late summer any restoration programs for strawberry reservoir would therefore have to be based on phosphorus reduction rather than nitrogen future enlarged strawberry reservoir under completed bonneville unit conditions the increased inf inflows lows to the enlarged strawberry reservoir and the modified reservoir operation will affect water quality conditions within the reservoir as well as downstream increasing the inflow to strawberry reservoir from approximately 75000 acre feetyear feet year at present with an additional 150000 acre feetyear feet year most of it high quality water from the uinta mountains will dilute the high nutrient concentrations and should improve the present eutrophication problems to some extent the long termincrease term increase in water surface fluctuation would also affect the dissolved oxygen levels water temperature location of the thermocline and length of stratification after analyzing the existing data on strawberry reservoir the predicted impact of the enlarged reservoir and the modeling efforts the following approach was used to project temperature of water released into the diamond fork system 1 the average expected temperature of water above and below the thermocline in the enlarged reservoir was plotted for the may to october period figure 24 2 on a monthly basis the depth from the water surface to the top and bottom of the thermocline was estimated 3 based on the 1921 73 monthly operation study of the en larged barged strawberry reservoir the location of the thermo cline relative to syar tunnel inlet was projected on a monthly basis it is estimated that water released from strawberry reservoir during the summer stratification period of june september would come from above the thermocline about 5 to 15 percent of the time f from fron rom below the thermocline about 60 to 80 percent of the time and f from rom somewhere in between the remainder of the time the en larged barged strawberry reservoir would be a long term carryover reservoir and the surface elevation fluctuation in any 1 year period would be relatively small As a result during most summer stratification periods water would come from either above or below the thermocline all season but not from both during about 10 to 20 percent of the years or 5 to 11 years out of 53 years waters could be re leased from below the thermocline the f first part of the summer As the thermocline deepened and the surface ele vation dropped waters could potentially be released from within and above the thermocline during the latter part of the summer 128

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