Record Details

page 1-3

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 1-3 Final environmental impact statement on the Wasatch County Water Efficiency Project and Daniel Replacement Project, page 1-3
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 1-3 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; buried pipelines totaling three miles within the existing canal network to deliver water from a spring to six livestock watering troughs 132 13.2 alternatives in addition to the proposed action several alternatives were identified and included in the analysis these alternatives are the daniel replacement project DRP with pipeline alternative the DRP with canal alternative and a no action alternative none of the alternatives would include the water efficiency or heber valley stream flow improvements included in the proposed action the DRP with pipeline alternative would replace water currently diverted from the upper strawberry river basin by DIC with contracted uncontracted un bonneville unit CUP agricultural water stored in jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir the water would be diverted at the timpanogos Timpano gos diversion on the provo river near jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir A new 119 ilg 119 mile mlle long iong pipeline with pumping stations would convey replacement water from the timpanogos Timpano gos diversion to the DIC service area DIC diversion facilities in the upper strawberry river basin would be abandoned and removed except as retained in non functioning condition for historic interpretation as described under the proposed action the DRP with canal alternative would replace water currently diverted by DIC from the upper strawberry river basin with contracted uncontracted un bonneville unit CUP agricultural water stored in jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir the replacement water would be diverted at the timpanogos Timpano gos diversion and conveyed to the DIC service area through an enlarged timpanogos Timpano gos canal new pumping stations and pipelines water currently conveyed by the timpanogos Timpano gos canal would continue to be conveyed and delivered by the enlarged timpanogos Timpano gos canal DIC diversion facilities in the upper strawberry river basin would be abandoned and removed except as retained in non functioning condition for historic interpretation as described under the proposed action under the no action alternative there would be no change in water efficiency in stream flows and canal capacities and operations in heber valley there also would be no change in DICs diversions from the upper strawberry river basin to daniels creek and other baseline conditions would continue 1.4 14 major areas of concern several areas of concern and issues were identified in the scoping process conducted during the early stages of preparing the EIS the following major issues were identified in the draft EIS DEIS how would daniel creek flows be impacted by terminating transbasin trans basin diversions under the proposed action and DRP alternatives would the proposed action and DRP alternatives affect the supplies of water users what would be the effects on groundwater levels and wells caused by converting from flood to sprinkler irrigation made possible by the proposed action would the proposed action and DRP alternatives reduce return flows from the heber valley groundwater basin to surface water what effects would the redistribution of water in heber valley under the proposed action and DRP alternatives have on water quality in streams and deer creek reservoir what water quality impacts would occur in daniels creek once the proposed action and DRP alternatives eliminate the transbasin trans basin diversion 13 1 3

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