Record Details
Field | Value |
Title | page 356 Central Utah Project, Bonneville Unit : Diamond Fork Power System : final Environmental Impact Statement, page 356 |
Coverage | Electronic reproduction; |
Format | 356 text/PDF |
Rights | Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public |
Language | English; eng; en |
Relation | Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; est tst or united states department of the interior 0 6 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE 1 3 AS ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGIONAL OFFICE 655 parfet street PO box 25287 IN REPLY REFER TO denver colorado 80225 17619 RMR PC jaug iau6 iaus 5 TO i memorandum to regional director bureau of reclamation salt lake city utah from associate regional director planning and resource preservation rocky mountain region subject review of draft environmental statement for the diamond fork power system bonneville unit central utah project utahand utah and wasatch counties utah DES 8346 the national park service has completed its review of the subject document and would like to offer the following comments we wish to commend the bureau of reclamation for the recreation research and planning which were done in conjunction with this project and the preparation of this document we were pleased pleasedto to see that the utah statewide comprehensive outdoor recreation plan SCORP was consulted andthat and that thac the proposed recreation facilities have been designed to help alleviate specific recreation shortages outlined in the SCORP the site of the proposed diamond fork powerplant Power plant lies at the base of thistle canyon landslides a potential national natural landmark while we do not anticipate that the powerplant power plant will have any direct impact on this potential landmark it should be taken into consideration during further project planning and efforts made to avoid adverse visual impacts to the greatest extent possible we are also aware that the recent landslide in this area has changed the topographic features of this section of spanish fork canyon and that project modifications may have to be made we will look forward to reviewing any further documentation outlining changes in the proposed project andor alternatives C IC Z richard A strait strain strale 356 |
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