Record Details

page 4-5

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 4-5 Final environmental impact statement on the Wasatch County Water Efficiency Project and Daniel Replacement Project, page 4-5
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 4-5 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; page W 18 1 8 right column paragraph 2 change to read 14.2 142 project approach and history the proposed action and alternatives assessed in this EIS are the result of studies performed by the CUWCD the wasatch county water efficiency study preliminary planning report completed by CUWCD in february 1993 identified and described many opportunities for designing and implementing water efficiency improvements in heber valley and replacing water diverted by DIC from the upper strawberry river basin CUWCD 1993 a the report determined the benefits to the region would be maximized if improved water efficiency and replacement of DIC water supply were planned and operated in conjunction given their close water supply relationship and geographic proximity for example water efficiency improvements would reduce the demand for CUP agricultural water in heber valley making conserved water available to be conveyed to DIC via daniel replacement facilities the water delivered to DIC other heber valley irrigation companies and the enhanced streams could be conveyed and pumped by common facilities the coordinated and integrated design and operation of these improvements would minimize the number of new facilities thus minimizing environmental impacts and construction costs for these reasons the preliminary planning report concluded the proposed action should integrate facilities that would convey daniel replacement water page W 19 1 9 left column paragraph 1 section 14.2 142 142 change to read the interrelationships between surface water and groundwater hydrology in heber valley have played a key role in the design of the proposed action and DRP alternatives historically irrigation water from the provo river has been diverted in heber valley under water rights that are junior to those of users downstream of deer creek reservoir these diversions have been allowed because water applied via flood irrigation in heber valley during relatively high flow months returns to the provo river and improves the yield of senior downstream water rights during later months when flows are usually lower the proposed action and DRP alternatives have been designed to continue such benefits and to avoid reducing provo river water supplies to senior downstream users this is accomplished by 1 storing excess conserved water in jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir that may or may not have returned to the river to supply downstream water users at a later time under pre WCWEP conditions and 2 releasing conserved water andor CUWCD storage water to make up the difference whenever the WCWEP or DRP operation would reduce the downstream users water supply below the quantity they would have received without implementation of the WCWEP dene done denie denne by enly only eniy storing eensefved conserved water when it will net not hot het nee dee decrease fease the quantity of ef water that would have b been diverted by lewer lower prevo provo preve af pf eve evo water wheer users if the irrigation efficiency effie I 1 improvements reye reve feye revetments revements ments mengs were net not implemented if 1 the operation of ef the proposed action era DRP altema aleema alternative tive in a previous menth month deef deer decreases eases the water supply of ef a downstream usef user wahter water waater would bo be fe leased released ffe afe frem from CUWCD 1 nka hka D storage age to te supplement that user usef jordanelle Jor danelle and deer creek reservoirs would be operated in accordance with the november 1 1994 jordanelle deer creek operating agreement and to avoid impacts on downstream users page W 19 1 9 right column paragraph 1 section 1.5 15 15 change to read table 14 1 4 defines contracts or agreements that would involve multiple parties and would b be e needed to construct and operate the proposed action and alternatives local entities and CUWCD would negotiate agreements and contracts required to acquire water rights facilities and rights of way necessary to construct and operate the project 45 4 5

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