Record Details

page 148

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 148 Central Utah Project, Bonneville Unit : Diamond Fork Power System : final Environmental Impact Statement, page 148
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 148 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER IV AFFECTED environment AND environmental consequences table 35 trout sampled from diamond fork 1975 trout species length brown cutthroat rainbow of percent percent percent percent percent percent stream of of of of of of sampled total weight total total weight total total weight total stream reach feet number number ib lb weight number number ib lb weight number number ib lb weight 1 from the confluence with the 3960 339 81.5 815 815 126.2 1262 86 70 17 17 11.6 116 ilg 6 1.5 15 15 3.6 36 36 2.4 24 24 spanish fork river upstream to the high water line of the proposed hayes reservoir 50 5.0 50 miles 2 from the high water line of I 1 1 the proposed hayes reservoir to the proposed monks hollow dam 30 3.0 30 miles 3 from the proposed monks hoi hol 1320 87 63 21.8 218 218 42.5 425 425 23 16.7 167 10.5 105 105 20.5 205 205 28 20.3 203 203 1.9 19 19 lg 37 low dam upstream to the con fluence with sixth water creek 24 2.4 24 miles 4 from the confluence with 1320 4 4.7 47 47 1.2 12 12 5.3 53 53 44 518 51.8 51 7.2 72 72 32.5 325 37 43.5 435 13.9 139 62.2 622 sixth water creek upstream to the high water line of the proposed monkshollow monks Monk hollow sHollow reservoir 02 0.2 02 mile were not however station in section was located immediately upstream from section 2 trout population estiiia estinia estimates tes and species distribution in section 2 are therefore assumed to be similar to data given for section 3 148

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