Record Details

page 224

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 224 Final supplement to the final environmental impact statement : Diamond Fork System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 224
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 224 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; bureau of reclamation regional june 29 1989 page 2 4 the al alternatives ternati ternali ves are wri written tten aten to describe descri deschi be the di difference f f arence erence i in n 1 levels evel s of irrigation developments although they are not adequately described when in reality the different alternatives really realty measure alternative levels of fishery flow development in the strawberry aqueduct it seems therefore that the document pretends to be a supplement to a final EIS on a power system changing the emphasis to evaluating alternatives on different lines of irrigation but in reality the document develops plans for different levels of stream fishery flows in the strawberry aqueduct which are not evaluated or described at all alt ali comments on need for action page 6 alternatives A & B have features in the same location at the beginning and end of the diamond fork power system the syar tunnel is the same and monks hollow hol hoi tos tow los dam and reservoir is the same the power system in between is different and that should be the main emphasis of this document paragraph 1 states the only significant concerns and needs which emerged since publication of the EIS are related to electrical energy requirements 11 because irrigation of lands in the spanish fork area has been included as a project purpose the irrigation requirements in the juab area and sevier river area are also included in alternatives A & B but not described in the EIS to be a complete EIS these irrigation areas need to be described it seems that reclamation decided they wanted to construct a certain power plant and needed something to help justify it so they added the spanish fork irrigation as a project purpose in analyzing the diamond fork system in this manner the district suggests that reclamation seems to be losing sight of the original statement or game plan of the 1973 bonneville unit EIS in that six systems will wilt have EISs prepared 1 starvation collection system 2 strawberry aqueduct and collection system 3 diamond fork power system 4 irrigation and drainage system 5 municipal and industrial water system and 6 bureau of indian affairs activity the final environmental impact statement on the diamond fork power system described a power system with a syar tunnel and a monks hollow hol hoi low tow dam and reservoir the supplement to the final environmental impact statement described a plan for a power system that includes a syar tunnel and a monks hollow dam and reservoir at the same locations and capacities as the original final impact statement it seems that reclamation has authority and direction to construct syar tunnel and monks hollow dam and reservoir and that they need only to write an EIS on the power system reclamation suggests should be built between those two facilities and to describe its impact on the environment and to leave the irrigation and drainage system 224

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