Record Details

page 151

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 151 Central Utah Project, Bonneville Unit : Diamond Fork Power System : final Environmental Impact Statement, page 151
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 151 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER IV AFFECTED environment AND environmental consequences table 38 fisheries data estimated for sixth water creek 1981 wild trout stocked trout standing angler standing angler crop use crop use lb habitat days lb days stream reach reach units year reach year I 1 1 from the con coa confluence fluence with diamond 79 86 51 0 0 fork upstream to the confluence with fifth water creek ll il 1.1 11 miles 2 from the fifth water creek con 184 200 118 0 0 fluence upstream to the high water line of the proposed sixth water reservoir 33 3.3 33 miles 3 from the high water line of the 508 557 326 0 0 proposed sixth water reservoir upstream to lo 10 the strawberry tunnel west portal 54 5.4 54 miles total 771 843 495 0 0 table 39 trout sampled from fifth water creek 1975 trout species length brown bi wn cutthroat cutt culf broat hroat of percent percent percent percent stream of of of of sampled total weight total total weight total stream reach feet number number ib lb weight number number ib lb weight 1 from the confluence with 1320 1 20 1.3 13 13 65.3 653 4 80 0.7 07 07 34.7 347 sixth water creek upstream to hot sulfur spring 1.3 13 miles 2 from hot sulfur spring up 11 stream to the proposed fifth water dam 17 1.7 17 miles 3 from the proposed fifth 1320 2 3.7 37 37 5.5 55 55 44.4 444 464 62 96.3 963 7.0 70 70 55.6 556 water dam upstream to the high water line of fifth water reservoir 26 2.6 26 miles I 1 1 fish were not sampled in this section however trout population estimates and species distribution in section 2 are assumed to be similar to data given for section I 1 1 rather than section 3 A natural fish barrier between sections 2 and 3 effectively blocks migration and isolates the trout population in the uppermost section table 40 trout fisheries estimated for fifth water creek 1981 wild trout stocked trout angler angler standing use standing use crop habitat days crop days stream reach ib lb units year ib lb year 1 from the confluence with sixth water creek upstream to hot sulfur spring 2 from hot sulfur spring up stream to the proposed fifth water dam 3 from the proposed fifth water dam upstream to the high water line of fifth water reservoir total 32 57 27 116 34 61 29 124 21 37 17 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151

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