Record Details

page 139

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 139 Central Utah Project, Bonneville Unit : Diamond Fork Power System : final Environmental Impact Statement, page 139
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 139 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER IV AFFECTED environment AND environmental consequences larger pumpback humpback pump back flows during july and august however both reservoirs should mix continuously during the remainder of the summer period under the maximum operating condition neither reservoir should stratify hence project operation under either scenario should result in similar water quality conditions in both reservoirs as well as in the lower diamond fork spanish fork area the WQRRS US army corps of engineers model was applied to each reservoir under both of the above operating conditions to predict in reservoir and downstream water temperatures projected water tempera tures are tabulated on a monthly basis for monks hollow reservoir in table 32 waters released from monks hollow reservoir to diamond fork would have these same temperatures water temperatures in fifth water reservoir would normally be similar to those of monks hollow reservoir however when cold waters are released from strawberry reservoir tem peratures pera tures may be up to 0.5 05 05 to 1.0 10 10 io C colder in fifth water reservoir table 32 projected water temperatures in monks hollow reservoirl reservoirs reservoir unit C date may 1 june 1 july 1 august 1 september 1 october 1 initial operation temperature high L low17 0 w maximum operation temperature high high2 highe 4 low low17 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 8 10 8 10 9 11 8 10 13 15 11 13 13 15 11 12 1618 16 18 15 17 16 18 13 15 16 19 15 17 16 18 13 15 15 18 1416 14 16 14 17 13 15 I 1 based on WQRRS modeling 2 temperature range expected during those years that warm waters are rae r7e released leased from above the thermocline from strawberry reservoir 3 temperature range expected during those years that cold waters are released from below the thermocline from strawberry reservoir during years that warm waters are released from above the thermo cline from strawberry reservoir both reservoirs should warm up to a maximum temperature of about 17 to 19 C in august waters released down diamond fork from monks hollow reservoir should range from about 5 to 6 C in early may to 17 to 19 C in august dissolved oxygen levels should range from about 6 to 10 mgl egl during the years that releases are from below the thermocline in strawberry reservoir fifth water reservoir should warm up to about 12 to 16 C in august early september monks hollow reservoir would be about 1 warmer water released down diamond fork would probably reach a maximum of 130 13 to 17 C dissolved oxygen levels in waters released may occasionally be low possibly reaching 4 to 5 egl mgl at times again multilevel multi level outlets are not recommended because they would have little effect and diamond fork would aerate rapidly 139

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