Record Details

page 60

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 60 Municipal And Industrial System draft supplement to the final environmental statement, page 60
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Date 2005-08-30
Format 60 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER IV oun UUN oon consultation raut rsut UTATIV A N A AND A LID KT coordia4 coordination akra rkra ttrokt L lii III 111 liv and other entities met several times during the year several news releases were issued explaining the selection and findings of the three independent consultants hired to evaluate the geologic safety of the damsite adamsite and the proposed design of the dam these three consultants internationally known for their expertise in engineering geophysics geotechnical geo technical and foundation engineering and seismicity provided a valuable second opinion on the safety of the damsite adamsite and the design of the dam an additional news release was issued to explain the benefit jordan elle reservoir would have provided had it been in place during the 1983 flood A meeting was held with consulting mining geologist leon hansen and other mining representatives to discuss updated geologic information on the jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir basin the state division of water resources conducted its own analysis and review of alternative damsites dam sites for jordanelle351 jordanelleli Jordanel leli leil concluding that of 11 alternative sites the jordanelle Jor danelle site was the most viable in terms of geologic suitability water supply and cost 1984 reclamation met with utah geological and mineral survey and division of water resources personnel to review geology issues and recent findings the final hydrogeologic hydro geologic evaluation of the proposed jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir written by uintex sintex corporation was given to the representatives overall during the year reclamation contracted two hydrogeologic hydro geologic studies two geophysical studies and a general geologic evaluation and mapping update 1985 in may reclamation responded to a request from congressman howard C nielsen to provide a list of meetings at which mining of officials f icials or their consultants were present reclamation documented 24 such meetings A consultant for the US geological survey in cooperation with reclamation conducted stress measurements of the jordanelle Jor danelle damsite adamsite Dam site 1986 the panel of independent consultants convened in 1983 to review geologic findings and dam designs will be reconvened in the fall to review all geologic data accumulated since 1983 and to provide another outside opinion on the site and design of the dam 60
Identifier NONE

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