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Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 1 Newsletter 1990 Summer, page 1
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 1 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 0 1 IT ga g9 5 CENTRAL UTAH WATER conservancy DISTRICT VJTAN newsletter new S I 1 ett NC OCT 0 4 490 90 SUMMER 1990 general managers message t don A christiansen during the last month there has been a flurry of favorable activity in the halls of congress regarding funding for the central utah project the house and senate passed an appropriations bill which included more than 100 million for continuing construction st on CUP projects I 1 express my personal thanks and that of the entire CUWCD board to the utah congressional delegation for their support of this legislation the appropriation will keep construction on CUP projects going through the fall of 1991 A far greater challenge has been the task of increasing the overall CRSP funding ceiling to complete CUP questions have been raised in congress and elsewhere whether there is enough CRSP ceiling left to obtain this appropriation the methods used by the bureau of reclamation to figure the available ceiling have been heavily scrutinized during a recent high level meeting in washington the bureau explained the methods used to calculate the ceiling it was very clear from the results of that meeting that the ceiling is being determined in a manner consistent with the law and with the intent of congress the bureau was able to show without question that there is enough ceiling to complete important CUP projects including the jordanelle Jor danelle dam and the diamond fork system down to monks hollow reservoir currently before congress is a bill HR 3960 designed to raise th the e ceiling to fund compi completion etion ebion of the CUP irrigation and drainage system we are very happy to see this bill pass the house interior committee thanks again to the support of the utah congressional delegation and other key congressional leaders compromises on the legislation helped obtain the support of congressman george miller D CA chairman of the house subcommittee on energy and water development who previously opposed CUP funding support from congressman morris udall D AZ chairman of the house interior committee also was instrumental in helping the bill pass the full committee when congress returns from its august recess the bill will go to the house floor then the process will be repeated in the senate our time frame is very short as there are only six legislative weeks to get the bill through congress before both houses adjourn in october there have been great efforts extended by the utah congressional delegation and our consultants in washington to keep this bill moving support from the bureau of reclamation the department of interior the office of management and budget and the white house also has been

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