Record Details

page 4

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 4 Central Utah Project news report, 1967 March, page 4
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 4 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 7 mm A 4 aw 4w A f central utah project 30 feet wide the outlet works to strawberry river in the left abutment will have a capacity of 2310 second feet at the top of the inactive storage pool at elevation 5624.8 56248 feet the spillway will be an uncontrolled ogee section on the right abutment with a design capacity of 16600 second feet at maximum water surface elevation which is about 6.3 63 63 feet above the spillway crest the starvation dam will contain approximately 4500000 cubic yards of embankment materials roadwork Roa dwork required for the dam will consist of constructing roadway structures and surfacing approximately 1.6 16 lg ig miles of access road to the outlet works and spillway structures and grading about 1 mile of dam crest road US highway 40 that passes through the reservoir site will be relocated for approximately 6 miles beginning at duchesne utah and extending on the south side of the reservoir to a point west of the reservoir where it will join the existing highway the starvation reservoir will have a total capacity of 167310 acre feet including 152330 acre feet of active capacity 12990 acre feet of inactive capacity and 1990 acre feet of dead storage A capacity of 21670 acre feet will provide for sediment deposition in 100 years of which 12300 will be deposited in the active pool and 11700 in the inactive pool the reservoir will have a surface area of 3310 acres at normal water surface elevation&2 elevation ftc ft2 feet investigations show tt OFA oma uma t t geologic conditions at the starvation dam site are favorable for the earth structure planned bedrock at the dam site is soft variegated shale and friable sandstone of the uintah formation the reservoir basin is expected to be watertight suitable earth materials for the dam are available within 2 miles of the damsite adamsite dam site the knight diversion dam located on the duchesne river approximately 5 miles upstream fr from oni duchesne utah will divert flows of the river into the starvation feeder conduit the dam will consist of rolled earthfall earthfill earth fill dikes a concrete C overflow section and a headworks head works with a sluiceway the overflow weir section will be 100 feet long with a crest elevation of 5736.6 57366 feet and a design flood capacity of 6000 second feet the headworks head works designed to divert 300 second feet into the feeder conduit will consist of reinforced concrete and be controlled by an 84 inch diameter cast iron slide gate the starvation feeder conduit with a capacity of 300 second feet will extend about 2 miles from the knight diversion dam to the starvation reservoir it will consist of about 1 mile of 7 foot diameter tunnel 3500 feet of 84 inch diameter precast concrete pipeline and about 1300 feet of outlet channel and baffled apron drop water will be released from starvation reservoir as required to supplement present irrigation supplies in the duchesne river area and to replace some water presently used in the area that will be diverted to the bonneville basin starvation reservoir will increase the water supply to the duchesne river area by about 22800 acre feet annually part of this water will replace natural flows that will be transferred for use on higher lands in the duchesne river area starvation reservoir water will also be used to supplement the irrigation supply on about 10000 acres of indian land under the existing duchesne feeder canal and midview reservoir which will free lake fork river water that is appurtenant to these lands for use upstream on lands of the moon lake project this water exchange is referred to as the midview Mid view exchange the starvation reservoir will assure a continuation of the exchange and permit a continued use of lake fork water on lands of the moon lake project existing canals and ditches will be used to distribute starvation reservoir water however some of these canals will require rehabilitation to eliminate excessive seepage losses

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