Record Details

page 15

University of Arizona CONTENTdm Server Respository

Field Value
Title page 15
Description Zeutschel OS7000, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 10,281,176 bytes storage capacity of approximately 550,000 acre-feet. This would require sixty-three years to fill at the estimated rate of deposit. The raising of the dam to its ultimate height offers the cheapest practicable disposal of the silt for the period of its life of utility, and to this end all future plans should be made. The land should be segregated below the extreme elevation to which the water might ever require to be raised by increasing the dam to its ultimate height, and permanent...
Identifier nawr31-15,618
Source 56th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Document no. 152; KF12 U5 V. 3852 #10
Language English

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