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Page 6

University of Arizona CONTENTdm Server Respository

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Title Page 6
Description Zeutschel OS7000, 400 dpi, 8 bit prior appropriation. We hold, therefore, that such waters are not subject to any law of appropriation" (255 P. 2d, at p. 177). [emphasis aded] The court went on to hold that the owner of land overlying percolating water has a right to use the water subject to the doctrine of reasonable use, as distinguished from the doctrine of correlative rights. Under the latter doctrine, a landowner would be limited to his proportionate share of the percolating water underlying his land and the lands of...
Identifier nawr17-06,496
Source 85th Congress, 1st Session, House, Report No. 1084; KF12 U5 V. 11823

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