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A comparison of the academic achievement of Oregon community college transfer students with that of native students at Oregon State University

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

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Title A comparison of the academic achievement of Oregon community college transfer students with that of native students at Oregon State University
Names Lenmark, Bruce Carl (creator)
Atteberry, Pat H. (advisor)
Date Issued 1969-06 (iso8601)
Note Graduation date: 1969
Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not a
significant difference existed between Oregon community college
transfer students and native students at Oregon State University with
respect to academic achievement, persistence, and graduation.
Two groups of students were selected for observation. The
first included all of the 116 full-time students who transferred from
Oregon community colleges with 39 or more units of collegiate work
and were admitted to Oregon State University from the fall quarter
1963 through the fall quarter 1964. The second group included 116
full-time native students who were currently enrolled at Oregon State
University. Each native student was selected at random to match one
of the transfer students by school, age, sex, marital status, and
number of units completed.
Original data were obtained by surveying student records.
Grade-point averages were collected at various time intervals. To
evaluate persistence and graduation, students were classified as enrolled,
withdrawn, dismissed, or graduated. The percentage of
students in each classification was tabulated at various time intervals.
Comparisons of grade-point average were made by t tests.
Within the transfer group, evaluations were made for sub-groups
established on the basis of school, age, sex, marital status, and
class standing. The same subgroup evaluations were made within the
native group. Comparisons of grade-point average also were made
between the transfer and native groups as a whole and as subgroups.
The academic classifications of the total transfer group were compared
with those of the native group by chi-square tests. Comparisons
for transfer and native subgroups were made by percentages.
The findings of this investigation are summarized in three
subdivisions: transfer shock, academic achievement, persistence
and graduation.
Transfer shock. Acute transfer shock was observed for
transfer students. Recovery was slow, and grade-point averages
generally did not return to their original level until graduation. The
dropout rate was extremely high for the first year after transfer and
included a large number of dismissals. Students in all schools suffered transfer shock and a considerable
loss of grade-points. Large dropout rates for the first year
were noted in most schools. Transfer shock was most noticable for
the following subgroups: students enrolled in the School of Engineering,
young students in the 19 to 21 age group, males, and single
Academic achievement. When observations began and upon
receipt of the baccalaureate degree there was no significant difference
between the grade-point averages of transfer and native students.
However, when comparing the cumulative grades for the total collegiate
work of dropouts as well as graduates, the grade average of
transfer students was significantly lower than that of native students.
This was attributed to the loss of grade-point average associated with
transfer shock.
At graduation there was no significant difference between native
and transfer students in any subgroup. For total collegiate work,
native engineering students averaged much higher than transfer engineering
students, and native males averaged higher than transfer
males. Youngest native students had a higher average than youngest
transfers; native juniors were higher than transfer juniors; single
natives averaged much higher than single transfers, but there was no
significant difference between married groups.
Persistence and graduation. When transfer students were
compared with native students, the persistence and graduation rates
of native students were found to be significantly higher than those of
transfer students at all time intervals. Dropouts from either group
seldom occurred between the fourth and fifth year of collegiate work.
Graduation rates for both groups increased greatly when students
were given an additional year to complete degree requirements, but
the largest gain was observed for transfer students.
The persistence and graduation rates for native subgroups
were much higher than those for corresponding transfer subgroups
except in the School of Science and for students above 26 years of
age. Transfer dropouts included a higher percentage of dismissals
than native dropouts.
Genre Thesis/Dissertation
Topic Community colleges -- Oregon -- Alumni and alumnae

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