Record Details

Human and biophysical influences on fire occurrence in the United States

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

Field Value
Title Human and biophysical influences on fire occurrence in the United States
Names Hawbaker, Todd J. (creator)
Radeloff, Volker C. (creator)
Stewart, Susan I. (creator)
Hammer, Rober B. (creator)
Keuler, Nicholas S. (creator)
Clayton, Murray K. (creator)
Date Issued 2013-04 (iso8601)
Note To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work.
This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by Ecological Society of America and can be found at:
Abstract National-scale analyses of fire occurrence are needed to prioritize fire policy and
management activities across the United States. However, the drivers of national-scale
patterns of fire occurrence are not well understood, and how the relative importance of human
or biophysical factors varies across the country is unclear. Our research goal was to model the
drivers of fire occurrence within ecoregions across the conterminous United States. We used
generalized linear models to compare the relative influence of human, vegetation, climate, and
topographic variables on fire occurrence in the United States, as measured by MODIS active
fire detections collected between 2000 and 2006. We constructed models for all fires and for
large fires only and generated predictive maps to quantify fire occurrence probabilities. Areas
with high fire occurrence probabilities were widespread in the Southeast, and localized in the
Mountain West, particularly in southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Probabilities
for large-fire occurrence were generally lower, but hot spots existed in the western and southcentral
United States The probability of fire occurrence is a critical component of fire risk
assessments, in addition to vegetation type, fire behavior, and the values at risk. Many of the
hot spots we identified have extensive development in the wildland–urban interface and are
near large metropolitan areas. Our results demonstrated that human variables were important
predictors of both all fires and large fires and frequently exhibited nonlinear relationships.
However, vegetation, climate, and topography were also significant variables in most
ecoregions. If recent housing growth trends and fire occurrence patterns continue, these areas
will continue to challenge policies and management efforts seeking to balance the risks
generated by wildfires with the ecological benefits of fire.
Genre Article
Topic Fire occurrence
Identifier Hawbaker, T. J., Radeloff, V. C., Stewart, S. I., Hammer, R. B., Keuler, N. S., & Clayton, M. K. (2013). Human and biophysical influences on fire occurrence in the united states. Ecological Applications, 23(3), 565-582. doi:10.1890/12-1816.1

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