Record Details

Marine habitat use of black-footed and Laysan albatrosses during the post-breeding season and their spatial and temporal overlap with commercial fisheries

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

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Title Marine habitat use of black-footed and Laysan albatrosses during the post-breeding
season and their spatial and temporal overlap with commercial fisheries
Names Fischer, Karen Naess (creator)
Roby, Daniel D. (advisor)
Date Issued 2007-11-26 (iso8601)
Internet Media Type application/pdf
Note Graduation date: 2008
Abstract Incidental bycatch in commercial fisheries has been identified as a threat to
black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes) and Laysan albatrosses (P.
immutabilis). Effective long-term conservation of these albatrosses necessitates a
thorough understanding of their marine distribution, which marine habitats are
selected during foraging, and where they are most likely to interact with fisheries
throughout the annual cycle. During August 2005 and July 2006 we captured and
satellite-tagged black-footed and Laysan albatrosses at-sea near Seguam Pass, central
Aleutian Islands, Alaska (52.08o N, 172.95o W). To quantify habitat use and assess
potential risk from bycatch we integrated satellite-tracking data from seven black-footed
albatrosses (all in 2005) and 18 Laysan albatrosses (2005: n = 9; 2006: n = 9)
with remotely-sensed habitat variables and data on fishing effort and distribution from
commercial fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean.
We used first-passage time analysis and model selection to identify locations
of area-restricted search (ARS), quantify the relationship between area-restricted
search and marine habitat variables, and compare and contrast habitats used by the two
albatross species. For both species ARS was inversely related to wind speed and
depth and positively related to gradients in depth, sea surface temperature, and
chlorophyll a concentration. Black-footed albatross ARS was inversely related to sea
surface temperature and increased in continental margin habitats (shelf, shelf break,
and slope) relative to oceanic habitats; Laysan albatrosses did not exhibit such strong
relationships with sea surface temperature and seafloor depth. Area-restricted search
for both albatrosses was greater in vertically mixed waters (e.g., coastal upwelling and
frontal zones) compared to vertically stratified waters (e.g., oceanic waters, weak
frontal boundaries).
We found that despite these similarities in habitat-specific area-restricted
search in relation to habitat variables, black-footed albatrosses were more varied in
their habitat use compared to Laysan albatrosses. Black-footed albatrosses spent
similar proportions of time among domains of the continental margin and oceanic
waters; Laysan albatrosses were strongly associated with oceanic waters. Both
albatross species spent the greatest proportion of time in subarctic and eutrophic
waters, but when black-footed albatrosses dispersed from the Alaska region they
entered subtropical and tropical waters with relatively low chlorophyll a
concentrations (south of 45ÂșN). Laysan albatrosses, however, remained almost
entirely within more nutrient rich and cooler subarctic and North Pacific Transition
Domain waters.
Spatial overlap with fisheries differed between albatross species and among
fisheries. Black-footed albatrosses overlapped with fisheries throughout their range of
tracked movements and there was little evidence that they spent time within regions
devoid of fisheries. In the Alaskan Exclusive Economic Zone, fishing effort occurred
almost entirely within the continental margin, thus overlapping with habitats more
commonly used by black-footed albatrosses than by Laysan albatrosses. Potential
fishery interaction for black-footed albatrosses was greatest with the sablefish
(Anoplopoma fimbria) longline and pot fisheries and with the Pacific halibut
(Hippoglossus stenolepsis) longline fishery. Black-footed albatrosses also overlapped
with Canadian west coast fisheries and pelagic tuna (Thunnus spp.) and billfish
(Xiphias gladius, Makaira spp., Tetrapturus spp.) longline fisheries in the North
Pacific Transition Domain. Laysan albatrosses tracked in this study remained largely
over oceanic waters, away from the concentration of fisheries within the continental
margin, and north of pelagic longline fisheries in the transition domain. Regionally,
the Laysan albatrosses tracked as part of this study had the greatest overlap with the
Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) trawl fishery in the western Aleutian
Islands and the sablefish pot fishery in the central Aleutian Islands. Due to inter-specific
differences in distribution and habitat use, the overlap of fisheries with the
post-breeding distribution of black-footed albatrosses was greater than that for Laysan
albatrosses. Consequently, the potential vulnerability to bycatch and population-level
impacts from fisheries is greater for black-footed albatrosses than for Laysan
Genre Thesis
Topic Albatross

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