Record Details

Dams within jurisdiction of the state of California, 1968 June

Claremont Colleges Digital Library

Field Value
Title Dams within jurisdiction of the state of California, 1968 June Bulletin No. 17-68
Creator California. Department of Water Resources
Contributor Fritzsche, Henry R. (Associate Engineer, Water Resources); Wong, Dave Y.M. (Water Resources Technician I)
Subject Dams--California; Reservoirs--California; Water-supply; California. Resources Agency; Government publications
Coverage California 1968
Description Table of contents: Photograph of New Bullards Bar Dam, Foreword, Organization, Explanation of tabulated data, Abbreviations, Dams within jurisdiction of the state of California, Listed alphabetically by name of dam, Listed alphabetically by county of location, Classification of dams within state jurisdiction, Appendix A - Owned or operated by agencies of the federal government
Publisher California. Resources Agency Honnold Mudd Library. Special Collections
Date 1968
Language eng
Source Serial, 138 scanned pages: Dams within jurisdiction of the state of California, 1968 June Seeley G. Mudd Science Library
Rights The Claremont Colleges Library, Special Collections For more information on copyright or permissions for this image, please contact Honnold Mudd Library Special Collections at
Relation California Water Documents –
Type Text; Image; Dataset
Format application/pdf
Identifier cwd00031

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