Record Details

Life-history organization of cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake and its management implications

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

Field Value
Title Life-history organization of cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake and its management implications
Names Gresswell, Robert E. (creator)
Liss, William J. (advisor)
Larson, Gary L. (advisor)
Date Issued 1994-05-19 (iso8601)
Note Graduation date: 1995
Abstract Life-history organization of the cutthroat trout (Oncorhvnchus clarki) may be viewed at
various levels, including species, subspecies, metapopulation, population, or individual.
Each level varies in spatial scale and temporal persistence, and components at each level
continually change with changes in environment. Cutthroat trout are widely distributed
throughout the western USA, and during its evolution the species has organized into
fourteen subspecies with many different life-history characteristics and habitat
requirements. Within subspecies, organization is equally complex. For example, life-history
traits, such as average size and age, migration strategy, and migration timing, vary among
individual spawning populations of Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhvnchus clarki
bouvieri) in tributary streams of Yellowstone Lake. In this study specific life-history traits of
adfluvial cutthroat trout spawners from Yellowstone Lake were examined in relation to
habitat of tributary drainages and subbasins of the lake. Results suggest that stream
drainages vary along gradients that can be described by mean aspect, mean elevation, and
drainage size. Approximately two-thirds of the variation in the timing of annual cutthroat
trout spawning migrations and average size of spawners can be described by third-degree
polynomial regressions with mean aspect and elevation as predictor variables. Differences
in average size and growth of cutthroat trout suggested metapopulation substructure
related spatial heterogeneity of environmental characteristics of individual lake subbasins.
Evidence that polytypic species can adapt to heterogenous environments, even within a
single lake, has implications for the conservation, restoration, and management of many
freshwater fishes. Understanding the consequences of human perturbations on life-history
organization is critical for management of the cutthroat trout and other polytypic salmonid
species. Loss of diversity at the any hierarchical level jeopardizes long-term ability of the
species to adapt to changing environments, and it may also lead to increased fluctuations in
abundance and yield and increase risk of extinction. Recent emphasis on a holistic view of
natural systems and their management is associated with a growing appreciation of the role
of human values in these systems. The recreational fishery for Yellowstone cutthroat trout
in Yellowstone National Park is an example of the effects of management on a natural-cultural
system. Although angler harvest has been drastically reduced or prohibited, the
recreational value of Yellowstone cutthroat trout estimated by angling factors (e.g., landing
rate or size) ranks above all other sport species in Yellowstone National Park. To maintain
an indigenous fishery resource of this quality with hatchery propagation is not economically
or technically feasible. Nonconsumptive uses of the Yellowstone cutthroat trout including
fish-watching and intangible values, such as existence demand, provide additional support
for protection of wild Yellowstone cutthroat trout populations. A management strategy that
reduces resource extraction has provided a means to sustain a quality recreational fishery
while enhancing values associated with the protection of natural systems.
Genre Thesis/Dissertation
Topic Cutthroat trout -- Ecology -- Wyoming -- Yellowstone Lake

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