Record Details

Identification of Outer Continental Shelf" "Renewable Energy Space-Use Conflicts and" "Analysis of Potential Mitigation Measures

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

Field Value
Title Identification of Outer Continental Shelf" "Renewable Energy Space-Use Conflicts and" "Analysis of Potential Mitigation Measures
Names Conway, Flaxen (creator)
Hall-Arber, Madeleine (creator)
Harte, Michael (creator)
Hudgens, Daniel (creator)
Murray, Thomas (creator)
Pomeroy, Carrie (creator)
Weiss, John (creator)
Wiggin, Jack (creator)
Wright, Dawn (creator)
Date Issued 2012 (iso8601)
Abstract The ocean accommodates a wide variety of uses that are separated by time of day, season,
location, and zones. Conflict can and does occur, however, when two or more groups wish to use
the same space at the same time in an exclusive manner. The potential for conflict is well known
and the management of ocean space and resources has been, and is being, addressed by a number
of State, regional, and Federal organizations, including, among others, coastal zone management
agencies, state task forces, and regional fisheries management councils. However, with new and
emerging uses of the ocean, such as aquaculture and offshore renewable energy, comes the
potential for new types of space-use conflicts in ocean waters.

In recent years, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) (formerly the Minerals
Management Service [MMS]) has examined ocean space-use conflicts and mitigation strategies
in the context of offshore oil and gas exploration and production and sand and gravel dredging,
activities that are both subject to BOEM regulation and oversight. BOEM now has authority to
issue leases on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) for renewable energy projects, but seeks
additional information on potential conflicts between existing uses of the ocean environment and
this new form of activity.

The broad purpose of this study was to begin to fill this gap by (1) identifying potential spaceuse
conflicts between OCS renewable energy development and other uses of the ocean
environment, and (2) recommending measures that BOEM can implement in order to promote
avoidance or mitigation of such conflicts, thereby facilitating responsible and efficient
development of OCS renewable energy resources. The result is a document intended to serve as a
desktop resource that BOEM can use to inform its decision making as the agency carries out its
statutory and regulatory responsibilities.
Genre Technical Report
Topic marine renewable energy

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