Record Details

What Maintains the SST Front North of the Eastern Pacific Equatorial Cold Tongue?

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

Field Value
Title What Maintains the SST Front North of the Eastern Pacific Equatorial Cold Tongue?
Names de Szoeke, Simon P. (creator)
Xie, Shang-Ping (creator)
Miyama, Toru (creator)
Richards, Kelvin J. (creator)
Small, R. Justin O. (creator)
Date Issued 2007-06 (iso8601)
Abstract A coupled ocean–atmosphere regional model suggests a mechanism for formation of a sharp sea surface temperature (SST) front north of the equator in the eastern Pacific Ocean in boreal summer and fall. Meridional convergence of Ekman transport at 5°N is forced by eastward turning of the southeasterly cross-equatorial wind, but the SST front forms considerably south of the maximum Ekman convergence. Geostrophic equatorward flow at 3°N in the lower half of the isothermally mixed layer enhances mixed layer convergence.

Cold water is upwelled on or south of the equator and is advected poleward by mean mixed layer flow and by eddies. The mixed layer current convergence in the north confines the cold advection, so the SST front stays close to the equator. Warm advection from the north and cold advection from the south strengthen the front. In the Southern Hemisphere, a continuous southwestward current advects cold water far from the upwelling core.

The cold tongue is warmed by the net surface flux, which is dominated by solar radiation. Evaporation and net surface cooling are at a maximum just north of the SST front where relatively cool dry air is advected northward over warm SST. The surface heat flux is decomposed into a response to SST alone, and an atmospheric feedback. The atmospheric feedback enhances cooling on the north side of the front by 178 W m⁻², about half of which is due to enhanced evaporation from cold dry advection, while the other half is due to cloud radiative forcing.
Genre Article
Topic Fronts
Identifier de Szoeke, Simon P., Shang-Ping Xie, Toru Miyama, Kelvin J. Richards, R. Justin O. Small, 2007: What Maintains the SST Front North of the Eastern Pacific Equatorial Cold Tongue?*. Journal of Climate, 20, 2500–2514.

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