Record Details

Internal‐tide energy over topography

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

Field Value
Title Internal‐tide energy over topography
Names Kelly, S. M. (creator)
Nash, J. D. (creator)
Kunze, E. (creator)
Date Issued 2010-06-19 (iso8601)
Abstract The method used to separate surface and internal tides ultimately defines properties
such as internal‐tide generation and the depth structure of internal‐tide energy flux. Here,
we provide a detailed analysis of several surface‐/internal‐tide decompositions over
arbitrary topography. In all decompositions, surface‐tide velocity is expressed as the depth
average of total velocity. Analysis indicates that surface‐tide pressure is best expressed as
the depth average of total pressure plus a new depth‐dependent profile of pressure, which
is due to isopycnal heaving by movement of the free surface. Internal‐tide velocity and
pressure are defined as total variables minus the surface‐tide components. Corresponding
surface‐ and internal‐tide energy equations are derived that contain energy conversion
solely through topographic internal‐tide generation. The depth structure of internal‐tide
energy flux produced by the new decomposition is unambiguous and differs from that of
past decompositions. Numerical simulations over steep topography reveal that the
decomposition is self‐consistent and physically relevant. Analysis of observations over
Kaena Ridge, Hawaii; and the Oregon continental slope indicate O (50 W m⁻¹) error in
depth‐integrated energy fluxes when internal‐tide pressure is computed as the residual of
pressure from its depth average. While these errors are small at major internal‐tide
generation sites, they may be significant where surface tides are larger and depthintegrated
fluxes are weaker (e.g., over continental shelves).
Genre Article
Topic Internal-tide
Identifier Kelly, S. M., J. D. Nash, and E. Kunze (2010), Internal‐tide energy over topography, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C06014, doi:10.1029/2009JC005618.

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