Record Details

Long‐term monitoring of ULF electromagnetic fields at Parkfield, California

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

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Title Long‐term monitoring of ULF electromagnetic fields at Parkfield, California
Names Kappler, K. N. (creator)
Morrison, H. Frank (creator)
Egbert, G. D. (creator)
Date Issued 2010-04-09 (iso8601)
Abstract Electric and magnetic fields in the (10−4–1.0) Hz band were monitored at two sites
adjacent to the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield and Hollister, California, from 1995 to
2007. A data window (2002–2005), enclosing the 28 September 2004 M6 Parkfield
earthquake, was analyzed to determine if anomalous electric or magnetic fields or changes
in ground conductivity occurred before the earthquake. The data were edited, removing
intervals of instrument malfunction, leaving 875 days in the 4 year period. Frequent,
spikelike disturbances were common but were not more frequent around the time of the
earthquake; these were removed before subsequent processing. Signal‐to‐noise amplitude
spectra, estimated via magnetotelluric processing, showed the behavior of the ultralow
frequency fields to be remarkably constant over the period of analysis. These first‐order
plots make clear that most of the recorded energy is coherent over the spatial extent of the
array. Three main statistical techniques were employed to separate local anomalous
electrical or magnetic fields from the dominant coherent natural fields: transfer function
estimates between components at each site were employed to subtract the dominant field,
and look deeper at the “residual” fields; the data were decomposed into principal
components to identify the dominant coherent array modes; and the technique of canonical
coherences was employed to distinguish anomalous fields which are spatially broad from
anomalies which occur at a single site only, and furthermore to distinguish anomalies
present in both the electric and magnetic fields from those present in only one field
type. Standard remote reference apparent resistivity estimates were generated daily at
Parkfield. A significant seasonal component of variability was observed, suggesting local
distortion due to variations in near‐surface resistance. In all cases, high levels of sensitivity
to subtle electromagnetic effects were demonstrated, but no effects were found that
can be reasonably characterized as precursors to the Parkfield earthquake.
Genre Article
Topic ULF electromagnetic fields
Identifier Kappler, K. N., H. F. Morrison, and G. D. Egbert (2010), Long‐term monitoring of ULF electromagnetic fields at Parkfield, California, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B04406, doi:10.1029/2009JB006421.

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