Record Details

Water resources assessment of the Cimarron River and evaluation of water quality characteristics at the Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge


Field Value
Title Water resources assessment of the Cimarron River and evaluation of water quality characteristics at the Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge
Creator Thomson, Bruce M. Ali, Abdul-Mehdi (Eds.)
Subject Cimarron River Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge river assessment New Mexico Cimarron River watershed water quality playa lake sediment chemistry Environmental Monitoring Assessment Program Stream health--Cimarron River. Water quality--Cimarron River. Instream flow--Cimarron River. Watershed hydrology--Cimarron River Watershed. Water quality--New Mexico--Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge. Playas--New Mexico--Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge.
Description Water resources field methods report summarizes the work of University of New Mexico students investigating the Cimarron River and Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge in NE New Mexico. During the second week of June 2010, the UNM Masters of Water Resources students, staff, and collaborators studied the Cimarron River watershed from its head waters above Eagle Nest Lake to its confluence with the Canadian River near Taylor Springs, NM, and the Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge(NWR)near Maxwell, NM. The investigation included measuring flows and water quality characteristics at 34 surface water sites in the two study areas. The main objectives of the study were to conduct a...
Date 2010-12-08T16:55:34Z 2010-12-08T16:55:34Z 2010-06-01
Type Technical Report
Language en_US
Publisher Water Resources Program, University of New Mexico
Source University of New Mexic

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