Record Details

A Water Audit of Albuquerque Manor Retirement Home: A Potential for Water Savings Study and Economic Analysis


Field Value
Title A Water Audit of Albuquerque Manor Retirement Home: A Potential for Water Savings Study and Economic Analysis
Creator Hauck, Bill
Subject water conservation demand side management City of Albuquerque Large Water User Ordinance benefit to cost ratio net present value payback period present value benefits
Description Master of Water Resources Administration Degree. Water conservation has become an increasingly attractive option to ensure the future reliability of water supplies. This is especially true in the desert southwest, where the demand for water is increasingly greater than supply. Many desert cities like Tucson, AZ have substantially reduced their demand for water within the past decade. They realized years ago that conserving water is by far the most cost effective and reliable way of attaining a new source of supply. The City of Albuquerque,...
Date 2010-04-29T04:06:40Z 2010-04-29T04:06:40Z 2010-04-29T04:06:40Z
Type Technical Report
Language en_US

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