Record Details

Potential Options to Reduce ESA Liability for Private New Mexico Irrigators Who May Be Liable for a Section 9 ‘Take’


Field Value
Title Potential Options to Reduce ESA Liability for Private New Mexico Irrigators Who May Be Liable for a Section 9 ‘Take’
Creator Klise, Geoffrey T.
Subject Endangered Species Act (ESA) Rio Grande silvery minnow Southwestern willow flycatcher Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) The ‘harm’ regulation Section 9 Injunctions
Description This publication is the Professional Project report of Geoffrey T. Klise, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Water Resources degree at the University of New Mexico (August 2005). Customary irrigation techniques employed by New Mexico irrigators may place them in jeopardy of a Section 9 ‘take’ under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) if their diversion constitutes a foreseeable harm that may kill or impair reproduction of a listed fish species. Unless irrigators are covered by a federal incidental take statement, anyone can challenge the activity if harm was done or may occur in the future. What constitutes a ‘take’ is a highly contentious issue; a dead fish is not...
Date 2010-04-29T02:34:29Z 2010-04-29T02:34:29Z 2010-04-29T02:34:29Z
Type Other
Language en_US
Relation Publication (University of New Mexico. Water Resources Program) ; no. WRP-14

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