Record Details

The Economic Value of Water: Results of a Workshop in Caracas, Venezuela, November 2000


Field Value
Title The Economic Value of Water: Results of a Workshop in Caracas, Venezuela, November 2000
Creator Matthews, Olen Paul Brookshire, David S. Campana, Michael E.
Subject Value analysis Cost analysis Resource value vs resource valuation Water management systems Stakeholder Capacity building Water rights
Description Although this document is intended to serve as input into Dialog IV, it can be put to other uses as well. Because the report is designed for use by those who are not economists, it can serve as a resource to sort out the confusion associated with the concepts of value, valuation, cost, and price. The report can also be used to show the benefits and limitations of a valuation process. People throughout the Americas are struggling with how to assign a value to water. This report will provide a... In November 2000 a small workshop of 14 people met in Caracas, Venezuela, to discuss the “value” of water. The meeting was sponsored by the International Water Resources Network (IWRN), the Organization of American States (OAS), The Nature Conservancy, the University of New Mexico, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The meeting was hosted by Jose Ochoa-Iturbe, Director of the School of Civil Engineering at the Universidad Catolica Andres Bello. The participants... Funding for the workshop was partially provided by NOAA’s Office of Sustainable Development and Intergovernmental Affairs, Order No. 40-AA-NA-0A1205. Additional funding was provided by the Water Resources Program, the Department of Economics, and the Department of Geography of the University of New Mexico.
Date 2010-03-02T23:50:37Z 2010-03-02T23:50:37Z 2010-03-02T23:50:37Z
Type Technical Report
Language en_US
Relation Publication (University of New Mexico. Water Resources Program) ; no. WRP-4

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