Record Details

Competition between Larval Fishes in Reservoirs: the Role of Relative Timing of Appearance


Field Value
Title Competition between Larval Fishes in Reservoirs: the Role of Relative Timing of Appearance
Creator Garvey, James E. Stein, Roy A.
Description In small, hypereutrophic reservoirs (<100 ha; >100 mg total phosphorus/L), larval gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum and threadfin shad D. petenense (henceforth, shad) reach high densities in the limnetic zone, virtually eliminate zooplankton, and perhaps compromise success of other planktivorous larvae, such as bluegill Lepomis macrochirus. Because relative timing of appearance of shad and bluegills probably influences their relative success, we quantified densities of fish larvae and...
Date 1998-11-01T08:00:00Z
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Publications
Publisher OpenSIUC

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