Record Details

Gear-Specific Population Demographics of Channel Catfish in a Large Midwestern River


Field Value
Title Gear-Specific Population Demographics of Channel Catfish in a Large Midwestern River
Creator Colombo, Robert E Phelps, Quinton E Garvey, James E Heidinger, Roy C Stefanavage, Tom
Description Various gear types have been used to sample populations of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus in lotic systems. However, these gears produce different population characteristics (i.e., recruitment, growth, and mortality). We compared the population demographics of channel catfish in the Wabash River, Indiana, sampled with baited 25- and 32-mm-bar mesh hoop nets and three-phase alternating current (AC) electrofishing. Based on catch per unit effort, the relative abundance of channel catfish...
Date 2008-02-01T08:00:00Z
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Publications
Publisher OpenSIUC

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