Record Details

page 2839

Oregon Digital

Field Value
Title page 2839
Subject Serial Set 3080
Date 2006-06-16
Rights This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the University of Oregon Libraries as a source is requested.
Type page
Format Lexicon 303.9169921875 kb 8 bit - Gray Gamma 2.2 - greyscale
Description AM>ENDtX U U—REPORT OF MAJOR HANDBURY. 2839 IMPROVEMENT OF YOUNGS AND KLASRUINE RIVERS, OREGON. The project for this improvement contemplates the removal of snags, Sunken logs, and overhanging trees from Youngs Eiver as far up as the lower end of the cut-off, a distance of 7 miles) and also from the chan- nel of the Klaskuine as far up as Kamms Wharf, a distance of 2 miles. The latter river empties into the former 6 miles above Youngs Bay. The estimated cost...

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