Record Details

page 2802

Oregon Digital

Field Value
Title page 2802
Subject Serial Set 3080
Date 2006-06-16
Rights This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the University of Oregon Libraries as a source is requested.
Type page
Format Lexicon 300.083984375 kb 8 bit - Gray Gamma 2.2 - greyscale
Description 2802 REPOET OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. 8. ARMY. The harbor line commission of the State of Washington submits with request for approval projects and plans for the improvement of the harbors of Olympia, Vancouver, and Bellinghani Bay, and for the es- tablishment of harbor lines therein. Congress has made no provision for the improvement of these har- bors, and attention is invited to the provisions of section 18 of the river and harbor act of September 19, 1890, copy...

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