Record Details

page 3333

Oregon Digital

Field Value
Title page 3333
Subject Serial Set 3081
Date 2006-06-16
Rights This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the University of Oregon Libraries as a source is requested.
Type page
Format Lexicon 488.16015625 kb 8 bit - Gray Gamma 2.2 - greyscale
Description APPENDIX Y Y--BRIDGING NAVIGABLE WATERS. 3333 termed, the " Albiua bridge," were considering the facilities for com- munication between the two portions of the city, and argued that the increased advantage to be gained by those living in that vicinity were of more importance than the inconvenience resulting to navigation and commerce. The necessity for the bridge was not clearly demonstrated to the mind of the Board by the arguments of these gentlemen; nor was it by any...

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