Record Details

page 394

Oregon Digital

Field Value
Title page 394
Relation Serial Set 3078
Date 2006-06-16
Rights This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the University of Oregon Libraries as a source is requested.
Type page
Format Lexicon 396.6650390625 kb 8 bit - Gray Gamma 2.2 - greyscale
Description 394 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY. improvement at Eoss Island contemplates closing the middle and east chutes at that locality by dams to a height of 4 feet above low water, and to assist the erosion thus caused in the west chute or channel by such dredging as may be necessary to form a channel 100 feet wide and 14 feet deep at low water. It is also proposed to improve the bar about a mile above the head of Eoss Island, in front of the town of Sellwood, by...

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