Record Details

page V-58

Oregon Digital

Field Value
Title page V-58
Relation Columbia River and Tributaries
Date 2005-06-22 to 2005-07-21
Rights This item is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the University of Oregon Libraries as a source is requested.
Type page
Format Scanned from originals using Silverfast AI 6.0 on UMAX Powerlook III flatbed scanner. Scanned images saved as 16 bit grayscale tiffs. 200.016 kb 8 bit - Gray Gamma 2.2 - greyscale Omnipage 14 used to OCR 8 bit tiffs and generate text files for full text access. 16 bit grayscale and 48>24 RGB color tiffs edited in Photoshop CS 8.0: cropped, rotated, reduced in size, levels adjusted, grayscale bit depth reduced to 8 and JPEGs created.
Description Section 8B, Item 3 Point out that the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan considers artificial propagation of trout in lieu of smallmouth bass losses. Reservoir habitats, with or without water level fluctuations, replace former smallmouth bass populations with other spiny-ray species. Remaining free-flowing sections have smallmouth bass populations at carrying capacity. Agencies are giving this point additional consideration, including artificial propagation of channel catfish. [!]...

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