In a paper now in press as a Bulletin of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services the writer has discussed the downward trend of the catch of Columbia River Chinook salmon since 1920 and has stated that the decline is doubtless an indication that the...
1943 (iso8601)
CONTENTS THE WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION AND DEPARTMENT 1c "To serve the public by practicing and promoting wise long-term water management. " 1.¨REGON WATER LAWS 22 water management in Oregon 2.°ATER PROTECTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 262011 managing...
2005-05-19 2005-03-15 |
A number of researchers have attempted to estimate salmonid smolt survival during outmigration through an estuary. However, it is currently unclear how the design of such studies influences the accuracy and precision of survival estimates. In this...
2015-07-21 (iso8601)
"February 1994." ; "Much of this document was taken directly from, or based on, the Bureau of Land Management's earlier studies of the Klamath River: the Final eligibility and suitability report for the Upper Klamath wild and scenic river study...
2004-06-21 2004-06-14 |
2010-05-29 2010-08-09 |
The Winthrop hatchery station on the Methow River. When completed, this station will be one of the tributary hatcheries to which the small fingerling salmon will be transferred from the Leavenworth hatchery.
2024-11-23 |
At one of the three fish traps at Rock Island Dam, a load of salmon is dumped into the tank compartment of a fish hauling truck. The fish will be hauled to one of the tributaries of the Columbia River below Coulee Dam and there released.
2024-11-23 |
1957-08-02 (iso8601)
"Kokanee salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), are well distributed over much of central and eastern Oregon but are relative newcomers to lakes along the Oregon coast. Kokanee were first introduced into coastal waters in 1952 when 51,802 fry were...
1965-08-01 (iso8601)
"Final report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Funds supporting this study have been provided by Region 10 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle, WA."
1990-02-05 (iso8601)
A study on the cellular differentiation of the gill structure in
juvenile coho salmon (O. kisutch) with emphasis on the excretion of
monovalent ions was performed upon animals maintained under both
seawater and freshwater environments.
1. The...
1965-09-27 (iso8601)
This thesis describes the viral susceptibility of two cell
cultures established from embryonic tissue of salmonid
fish, chinook salmon line CHSE-114 and steelhead trout line STE-137. The viruses used were Oregon sockeye salmon virus (OSV),...
1968-05-11 (iso8601)
A year-long caged study the belted kingfisher (Megaceryle
alcyon) combined time-budget and food-balance techniques to obtain
data on daily energy consumption (DEC) throughout an annual cycle.
This study tested the hypothesis that seasonal...
1977-08-09 (iso8601)
Focusing on the Columbia River as part of Pastoral Letter Steering Committee, traveling around the Northwest to
public hearings and working as an environmental scientist, has given me a chance to think and hear a lot about salmon.
My more recent...
2001 (iso8601)
The general objective of this study is to develop a systematic evaluation of the interrelationships between issues of the environment and economic growth for Tillamook County. In order to gain some appreciation for the complexities between...
1978-05-08 (iso8601)
This thesis focuses on the economic efficiency of alternative habitat, streamfiow, and land use
allocations within a major drainage of the Pacific Northwest. Specifically, productivity of present habitat
and streamfiow conditions is evaluated with...
1991-01-29 (iso8601)
This dissertation focuses on the predator-prey relationship between two species of avian predators, Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia) and double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), and one of their important prey types, juvenile salmonids...
2010-05-25T19:56:14Z (iso8601)
This report focuses on the use of ecological indicators to evaluate ecological restoration effectiveness, particularly restoration aimed at salmonid recovery and watershed restoration efforts under the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. Part 1...
2007 (iso8601)