settlement pressure, other Nez Perce leaders executed amendatory documents in 1863, ceding the Wallowa lands. Tribal leaders challenged their validity and nearly succeeded when white settlers were ordered to leave the Valley. However, the order...
A River in Common:
The Columbia River, the Salmon
Ecosystem, and Water Policy
John M. Volkman Portland, Oregon
Report to the Western Water
Policy Review Advisory Commission
August 1997
while Andy and Blackmore completed lining down. It was an especially nice job, taking the boat down that last steep pitch into the big whirlpool and then working her round a huge square-faced rock to a quiet eddy, and I should greatly like to have...
Image Caption: VIC. TREVITT'S MONUMENT ON MEMLOOSE ISLAND --page break-- tumultuous Flood River on a great concrete highway bridge 295 feet in length, just above the steel bridge of the Oregon-Washington Railway. This brought me to the main...
Close-up view of Celilo Falls on the Columbia River. On the morning of March 10, 1957, the massive steel and concrete gates of The Dalles Dam closed and choked back the downstream surge of the Columbia River. Six hours later and eight miles...
This report deals with the streams in Area IV Area IV includes all tributaries entering the Columbia River from the south and east in the 120 miles from the Deschutes River up to but not including the Snake River
Unloading fish truck at dump number 2 on the Entiat River as part of salmon reclamation
Nine rainbow trout and one dolly caught by Bryant near mouth of Mahoney Creek
The fish were caught between 4-5 pm with a fly hook.
2003-01-01 |
Chinook in tail-race at the River Mill Power Plant on the Clackamas River; 1938-06
2003-01-01 |
Dams provide water supply, flood protection, and hydropower generation benefits, but also harm native species by altering the natural flow regime and degrading aquatic and riparian habitat. Restoring some rivers reaches to free-flowing conditions...
From John Cobb field notebook: Pacific American Fisheries cannery tender Kenmore, King Cove, Alaska. May 1912
From John Cobb field notebook: Drying fish. P.A.F. cannery, Excursion Inlet, Alaska. June 14, 1911
From John Cobb field notebook: Point Roberts cannery from hillside
We investigated how epilimnetic fertilization would affect chlorophyll levels and light penetration of oligotrophic sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) lakes and how the resulting self-shading would affect primary production of the prominent deep...
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Fish and Wildlife Program (FWP) mitigates impacts, including mortality, from hydroelectric dams in the Columbia River Basin for ESA-listed salmon and steelhead populations and other species of special...
Bed elevation, feature adjustments, and spawning use were monitored at three Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) spawning habitat rehabilitation sites to measure project longevity in a regulated river. Sites enhanced with 649–1323 m3 of...
From John Cobb field notebook: Semiahmoo cannery, the clincher.
Over the past several centuries, the population of North American Beaver has been dramatically reduced through fur trapping. As a result, the geomorphic impacts long-term beaver occupancy and activity can have on fluvial systems have been lost,...
This collection contains correspondence, technical reports, publications, transparencies, compact discs and maps of the engineering consulting work of Dr. B.J. (William J.) Miller for the California/Federal (CALFED) Bay Delta Program. His work...
We investigated how epilimnetic fertilization would affect chlorophyll levels and light penetration of oligotrophic sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) lakes and how the resulting self-shading would affect primary production of the prominent deep...
Document: Appendix to Pacific Southwest Water Plan of August 1963 as modified January 1964 "Fish and Wildlife Service Appendix- Substantiating Report", January 1964, page 28