riedly by contract, and will not last much longer. It is too small for the work, cost originally $25,000, coin, and the annual expense of keeping it in repair has been about $3,000. There is no other dredger in this part of the country, and as one...
Hi-line logging at Weyerhaeuser Camp #7, near the Green River which is a tributary to North Fork Toutle River
Old dam near mouth of south fork of Grays River
It contains 1,000,000 board feet
Master scanned with Epson 1640XL at 800 dpi. Image manipulated with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
2003-01-01 |
of the standard velocity distribution in a river such as the Columbia is introduced:
Standard Velocity Distribution in a Vertical in Open Flow (17)
It is noted the average velocity occurs at approximately 0.6d below the water surface. All...
This is the final step in placing a closure gate. Diversion and care of the river during construction, and unwatering foundations, was bid by MWAK at $3,500,000, but during the CBI contract the task was relatively simple, and bid at only $727,000.
Document: 89th Congress, 1st Session, S.294, January 6, 1965, page 34
Available information on aquatic biota of the Willamette Basin was reviewed and summarized to describe current and historical conditions as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water- Quality Assessment Program. Biological parameters...
A precipitation-runoff model for the Methow River Basin was used to simulate six alternatives: (1) baseline of current flow, (2) line irrigation canals to limit seepage losses, (3) increase surface-water diversions through unlined canals for...
under the Pacific Southwest Water Plan would be approximately $2.2 billion, including interest during construction. The annual cost, as stated in the Plan, would be approximately $105 million, which would mean an average unit cost of water of...
Notwithstanding the quantity of ink that has been spilt over such questions, only a few things are clear. There was significant over-fishing and habitat disturbance in the Columbia River Basin long before the mainstem dams were built. Snake River...
chart. Queen's Channel is a second branch of the main channel. It follows along the south border of the Middle Sands in a due-east direction, and has two entrance; one of them is an opening at the western angle of the Middle Sands flat, one-third...
UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, Saint Louis, Mo., September 10, 1880.
SIR: Your letter of the 27th ultimo was duly received.
The dimensions of the tow-boats recently built for the Saint Louis...
Money statement.
July 1, 1880, amount available $117, 116 60
Amount appropriated by act approved March 3, 1881 100, 000 00
$217, 116 60 July 1, 1881, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive
of outstanding liabilities July 1, 1880...
2,150 feet laid out and carefully measured on the Oregon shore. After the removal of the several rocks and the completion of the work upon those blasted the previous year, a second examination was made of the channel, commencing from its foot....
Abstract of bids received for building wing-dams on the Upper Willamette River, Oregon.
Name and residence.
Amount per linear foot per dam.
I. Paquet, Oregon City, Oreg $2 50 I Accepted.
Hi-line logging at Weyerhaeuser Camp #7, near the Green River which is a tributary to North Fork Toutle River
Master scanned with Epson 1640XL at 800 dpi. Image manipulated with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
2003-01-01 |
The abundance and distribution of the Pacific harbor seal
(Phoca vitulina richardi) and the northern or Stellar sea lion (Eumetopias
jubata) in Oregon are described, The number of seals and sea
lions presented for bounty in Oregon since 1925 is...
1968-08-30 (iso8601)
The river at flood stage in July of 1939 did not pass thru the second tier of outlet tubes, but only thru the slots left in the dam and the lower tubes. When velocities exceed about 10 feet per second falling water begins to entrain air, until at...
This is part of the operations in maneuvering the diversion gate and hoist barge into position in front of the slots on the West side. <br> Many large contractors refused to submit bids on the job because of the risk involved in diverting...
began as a lease option between the farm owners and BPA in 1994, brokered by the Defense Fund. In 1996, the Bureau of Reclamation agreed to pay the cost of purchasing the water rights to help meet its commitment to supply 427,000 acre-feet from...
(tribal, local and state) to make water planning decisions for different areas of the state, in cooperation with local interests. A Water Policy Forum, with representatives of each of the caucuses, was intended to shape state policy and address...