Master scanned with Epson 1640XL at 800 dpi. Image manipulated with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
Agricultural Lands
The SMAs contain relatively little agricultural land. The west and central portions of the Gorge are primarily steep, rocky, and covered with forests, and therefore not suitable for agricultural use. The two SMAs at the east...
View of impassable series of falls one mile above the mouth of Rock Creek
2003-01-01 |
Master scanned with Epson 1640XL at 800 dpi. Image manipulated with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
2003-01-01 |
Master scanned with Epson 1640XL at 800 dpi. Image manipulated with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
2003-01-01 |
Gross Head — The difference of elevations between water surfaces of the forebay and tailrace under specified conditions. Gross head generally refers to the difference between normal full pool and average tailwater.
Net Head (Effective Head)...
1978-06-27 (iso8601)
An inventory of sites located in Washington,
Oregon, Idaho, western Montana, and within the
Columbia River Basin of the United States.
Prepared as an Element of the Columbia River
cost of supplies and services by 1957. During this period BPA had sold 247 billion kWh of electric energy at an average rate of 2.36 mills per kWh. Sales to publicly owned utilities accounted for 58.8 billion kWh; privately-owned utilities...
the Washington side. By passing up these ladders, the fish are able to get to the 70-foot high pool behind the dam, and to the spawning grounds beyond. Returning baby salmon, known as fingerlings, are helped downstream by means of five bypass...
Every year in the late summer, patches of the Columbia River estuary begin to turn red. These patches are blooms of mixotrophic ciliates (Myrionecta rubra or Mesodinium rubrum/major) (MR) that ingest the chloroplast of their prey, the cryptophytes...
2015-05-22 (iso8601)
less direct. Charges are levied directly on water users, but in many instances the water users can be expected to return only a part of the reimbursable costs. The balance must be obtained from other sources. It is fitting, of course, that...
Transportation Facilities
"The vast distances within the Columbia River Basin and its remoteness from national and world markets make transportation of vital significance in the economy.
Selected life history aspects of American shad, Alosa
sapidissima, collected in Lake Umatilla of the Columbia River
during 1980 and 1981 were examined and compared to other shad
populations. Mean fork lengths of adult shad captured in
1981 were...
1982-12-15 (iso8601)
Letter: FromLawrence Mehren, Chairman, Central Arizona Project Association, to Stewart Udall, January 5, 1965 (thermofax), page 2
three transcontinental railroads crossing the area provide a ready market for large quantities of ties.
Forest resources are available in the Clark Fork-Clearwater subdivision for expansion of wood-using industries along certain lines. Although...