The sagebrush steppe ecosystem of the Columbia Plateau has become degraded by a long history of alternative land use and associated perturbations. Protection of remnant stands of intact sagebrush steppe currently relies upon their preservation...
2014-12-18 (iso8601)
'U.S. Geological Survey, George Otis Smith, Director.' 'R.U. Goode, Geographer in charge. Triangulation by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Topography by W.J. Peters. Surveyed in 1902-1903.' 'Edition of Mar. 1904, reprinted Apr. 1910.' Oriented...
under various acts designed to conserve the natural resources of the public domain.
River surveys have been made for about 7,000 stream miles in the basin. The resulting maps, at scales of 1: 31,680 and 1: 24,000, show the grades of the streams...
Cover series title: Technical Memorandum Report No. 23
2008-10-16 1970-06-01 |
Increasing availability of high‐resolution (1 m) topography data and enhanced computational processing power present new opportunities to study landscape organization at a detail not possible before. Here we propose the use of “directed distance...
Closure of a sediment mass balance - successfully resolving the difference between inputs and outputs with measured changes in storage - is a frequently touted goal of fluvial sediment budgeting, but is rarely achieved. In the rare case when all...
A review of literature indicates that little work is being done on determining base or minimum flows from basin characteristics using remote sensing techniques. The majority of the work being done on base flows is by the use of mathematical models...
Alongshore flow in the direction of propagation of coastal trapped waves can result in upwelling at the shelfbreak. The intensity of this upwelling can be comparable in magnitude to wind-driven coastal upwelling, with its associated ecological...
2011-11 (iso8601)
The continental terrace west of Oregon between 43° 50'N and
44° 40' N latitude is 50 to 55 miles wide. It consists of a continental
shelf, 16 to 35 miles wide, and a continental slope, 16 to 37 miles
wide. The eastern portion of the shelf is a...
1965-04-23 (iso8601)
This study delineates and characterizes the distribution of montane meadows in the Willamette National Forest, identifies encroachment patterns in relation to topographic features and proximity to trees in the Chucksney-Grasshopper meadow complex,...
2008-01-14T19:06:47Z (iso8601)
37 x 49 cm. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "Atlas sheet no. 69(B)." "Issued Jan'y 8th 1878." "Expeditions of 1874-1875 & 1877 under the command of 1st. Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army." Prime meridians: Greenwich...
'Las Vegas Area Map 3Af.' 'Prepared in cooperation with U.S. Geological Survey.' 'Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Carson City, Nevada.' 'Topographic base from U.S. Geological Survey, Las Vegas SE 7 1/2 quadrangle, 1967.' Scale...
1980-02-21 |
Topographic map of the Spring Mountains and Goodsprings area.
Topographic map of China Garden - part of Pauba Ranch showing proposed irrigation system - Area (North of road - 307 ft., South of road - 55 ft.).
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
This report presents details of the investigation and results in estimating the natural flow of the upper Klamath River at Keno, Oregon. The area investigated includes the Klamath River Basin above Keno, Oregon,...
2008-03-27 2005-12-29 |
With the decreasing runs of natural fall chinook salmon* Oncorhmchus tshawytscha.inthe Klamath River basin, concerns were raised regarding the accuracy ma significance 01 me mainstem Klamath River .1 chinook spawner estimates. The U.S....
2005-07-19 2005-05-24 |
Advances in topographic survey and terrain modelling have enabled a revolution in the study in the fluvial morphodynamics in the last decade. Prior to the advent of electronic tacheometry in the 1990s, the analysis of channel dynamics was...
The semidiurnal mode-1 internal tide receives 0.1-0.3 TW from the surface tide and is capable of propagating across ocean basins. The ultimate fate of mode-1 energy after long-distance propagation is poorly constrained by existing observations and...
2013-09-05 (iso8601)
Alongshore flow in the direction of propagation of coastal trapped waves can result in upwelling at the shelfbreak. The intensity of this upwelling can be comparable in magnitude to wind-driven coastal upwelling, with its associated ecological...
2011-11 (iso8601)
Community re-assembly following future disturbances will often occur under warmer
and more moisture-limited conditions than when current communities assembled. Because
the establishment stage is regularly the most sensitive to climate and...
2015-02 (iso8601)
A change to a warmer, drier climate beginning as early as 1900 was responsible
for triggering a dramatic, rapid retreat of Collier Glacier, Oregon, between 1924 and
1940. Although there was a dramatic decrease in precipitation contemporaneous with...
1995-03-07 (iso8601)
58 x 46 cm., on sheet 84 x 87 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Contour interval 20 feet." "Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission." "Geology mapped in 1961. Limit of pluvial...