
151 - 175 of 881 Items    << < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > >> 
1 map : 45 x 31 cm. or smaller. Title supplied by cataloger. Set includes various editions. "Advance sheet 79-S-W/2". Compiled from "R.R. Alignment Maps of Northern Pacific R.R. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Land lines and general data from...

1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smaller. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title supplied by cataloger. Set includes various editions. "Surveyed in 1907". "Contour interval 50 feet. Datum is mean sea level." "Edition of 1908". Scale...

1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smaller. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title supplied by cataloger. Set includes various editions. "Surveyed in 1915". Contour interval 50 feet. Datum is mean sea level." "Edition of 1918". Scale...

1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smaller. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title supplied by cataloger. Set includes various editions. "Surveyed in 1899". "Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is mean sea level." Scale 1:125,000 ; Polyconic...

1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smaller. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title supplied by cataloger. Set includes various editions. "Surveyed in 1913-1914". "Control interval 50 feet. Datum is mean sea level." "Edition of 1916"....

1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smaller. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title supplied by cataloger. Set includes various editions. "Surveyed in 1900-01". "Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is mean sea level". Scale 1:125,000 ; Polyconic...

1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smaller. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title supplied by cataloger. Set includes various editions. "Surveyed in 1897-99". "Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is mean sea level." Scale 1:125,000 ; Polyconic...

1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smaller. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title supplied by cataloger. Set includes various editions. "Surveyed in 1902-1903". "Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is mean sea level." "Edition of 1906,...

We quantified all components of a fluvial sediment budget for a discrete flood on an aggrading gravel bed river. Bed load transport rates were measured at the upstream and downstream ends of a 4 km study area on the Provo River, Utah, during a...
Correspondence, business records, drawings, maps, and photographs of the corporate firms which established Clarkston; Organizational History:; The Lewiston-Clarkston Improvement Company (LCIC), the third and best-known corporate name of one of the...

Studies of active fault zones have flourished with the availability of high-resolution topographic data, particularly where airborne light detection and ranging (lidar) and structure from motion (SfM) data sets provide a means to remotely analyze...
2015-12 (iso8601)
Research was conducted to determine the applicability of using the theory of regionalized variables or geostatistics in characterizing the spatial variability of reference evapotranspiration (ETr) over various climatic regimes for the state of...
1989-09-21 (iso8601)
58 x 47 cm., on sheet 81 x 81 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Geology mapped in 1962. Contours on pre-Cenozoic rocks by D. L. Healey and C. H. Miller, 1958-63." Includes text, col. cross section and...
Document: Appendices to Pacific Southwest Water Plan Review Draft "U.S. Geological Survey Appendix", August 1963, page 12

Journal: Anthropological Notes, University of Utah Department of Anthropology, "Outline History of the Glen Canyon Region 1776 - 1922", Number 42, September 1959, page 103

38. Boston Bar; mile 117 - 117.7 River Map Sheet H left bank, topographic map in Hunt et al. 1953, Lake Canyon quad USGS 1953; placer mining operations from the 1880's; two areas of operation about 1/4 mile apart at about 60 ft. level above river,...
Understanding local and geographic factors influencing species distributions is a prerequisite for conservation planning. Our objective in this study was to model local and geographic variability in elevations occupied by native and nonnative...
2014-01-01 (iso8601)
Zeutschel OS7000, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 9,001,060 bytes
Mapping Completed and Currently in Progress Of the 180,000 square miles in the Pacific Southwest as here defined, about 113,500 square miles or 63 percent is covered by topographic maps of standard accuracy. (See fig. 3). Most of these maps are...
1 map, colored, framed under glass, 69 x 61 cm; This copy being described is housed in the Klamath Falls Office of the Bureau of Reclamation. Most of the map is printed, however there is hand-drawn editing of contours and heights as well as notes...
High resolution DEMs created from high precision instruments (e.g. total station, LiDaR) have become ubiquitous in the field of fluvial geomorphology. They allow a diverse range of spatially explicit analyses including 2D hydraulic models,...
Observations of oppositely directed, monthly mean alongshore currents and wind stress over the continental margin off the Pacific coast of North America motivate the theoretical examination of mean flow generation by topographic lee-wave drag. We...
1987-11 (iso8601)
Understanding the past, present, and future behavior of our nation's shorelines is vital for sensible coastal management. Localized areas of erosion, termed "erosional hot spots", can shift the shoreline landward threatening coastal...
2007-07-12T18:16:34Z (iso8601)
'Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survery in cooperation with the Atomic Energy Commission. Control by USGS, USC&GS, USCE, and Atomic Energy Commission. Topography from aerial photographs by photogrammetric methods. Aerial...
Scale [ca. 1:144,000. 1 in. to approx. 12,000 ft.] ; 1 map : col. ; 51 x 91 cm ; Relief shown by contours and spot heights ; "Map no. 23800" ; Includes township and range grid ; Includes two profile diagrams, area and capacity curve diagram,...
151 - 175 of 881 Items    << < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > >> 

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