The northwest-trending Neogene Tualatin basin in northwestern Oregon is a pull-apart
basin with approximately 750 m of post-middle Miocene structural relief. Gently
tilted uplands capped by Columbia River Basalt Group surround the synclinal basin...
1996-04-18 (iso8601)
Although some of the most difficult problems in forest management occur as a result of timber harvest operations, present methodology in harvest planning emphasizes guidelines which rely heavily upon the experience of the individual forest manager...
1976-05-10 (iso8601)
Tree diameter, understory plant cover, seedling density, elevation, aspect, and slope steepness are recorded for 51 forest stands dominated by Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Carr. along the eastern portion of the central Oregon Cascades. Species...
1977-06-01 (iso8601)
Two hilislope sites in the central Oregon Coast Range were instrumented and monitored for winter precipitation and saturated and unsaturated subsurface conditions. The study sites were near-ridge depressions typically known as headwalls. Based on...
1996-12-06 (iso8601)
The 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, emplaced between 3-3.5 billion cubic yards (bcy) of poorly sorted material ranging from silt to boulders, extending from river mile (RM) 25 to RM 38 in the upper North Fork Toutle River drainage....
1985-07-24 (iso8601)
Lahontan cutthroat trout (LCT) (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi) are currently limited in their distribution to a patchwork of small isolated populations, the result of habitat degradation and natural variation in landscape and in-stream conditions....
2006-09-13T15:30:32Z (iso8601)
Map of Rio Grande drainage above Ft. Quitman. Drawn from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic map of New Mexico of 1925, U.S. General Land Office maps of Colorado and New Mexico and other sources by R.G. Hosea and A.W. Newcomer. Covers Rio Grande...
58 x 46 cm., on sheet 88 x 85 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Contour interval 20 feet." "Base by U.S. Geological Survey, 1962, 10,000-foot grid based on Nevada coordinate system, central zone."...
At top of map: 'Reconnaissance Maps, Department of California.' In lower right corner: 'Photolith. by the N.Y. Lithg. Engrg. & Prtg. Co.' 'In charge of, Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, U.S. Engineers; assisted by Lieut. D.W. Lockwood, Corps of...
1869-02-20 |
At top of map: 'Reconnaissance Maps, Department of California.' 'In charge of, Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, U.S. Engineers; assisted by Lieut. D.W. Lockwood, Corps of Engineers,U.S.A., 1969.' 'P.W. Hamel, chief topographer and draugthsman.' 'Traced...
1869-02-20 |
Scale [ca. 1:63,360. 1 in. to approx. 1 mile]. Relief shown by contour lines. Includes inset location map of Water District. 'August 1960.' 'Plate 1.'
Directions to have the Las Vegas Ranch contour mapped in order to figure out the most efficient irrigation scheme.
Document: Appendix to Pacific Southwest Water Plan of August 1963 as modified January 1964 "Geological Survey", January 1964, table of contents, no pagination
Journal: Anthropological Notes, University of Utah Department of Anthropology, "Outline History of the Glen Canyon Region 1776 - 1922", Number 42, September 1959, page 73
Document: United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Memorandum Report, Lower Colorado River Perfection, Region 3, A.B. West, Regional Director, Boulder City, Nevada, March 1963, page 5
89. Mile 109.9 - 110.5 River Map Sheet H right bank; placer mining area related to cabin (site 36) and trail (site 37); prospect pits.
90. Mile 108.5 - 109.5 River Map Sheet H left bank; placer mining operation, this is probably Schock Bar,...
The Lower Colorado River Basin, comprising a major portion of the Pacific Southwest, is an area of geographic, topographic, geologic, and climatic extremes.
Although usually regarded as arid desert land, which much...
Southern California and the Lower Colorado River Basin depend either partially or totally upon the flows of the Colorado River and its tributaries for their water supplies. This report, therefore, treats these...
Cost of this short-range schedule in the Pacific Southwest is estimated as about $3,000,000 to complete maps in progress, plus about $4,000,000 for the maps to be started through 1967.
Long-range Schedule
Following the six-year schedule just...
A partial map of the Southern California region, particularly the Northeastern area.
Nine orthophotographs. Images have an approximate scale of 1:76,000, and areas shown correspond entirely or partly to the following USGS 7.5-minute, 1:24,000 topographic maps: Pingree Park, Crystal Mountain, Buckhorn Mountain, Horsetooth...
2007-01-02 2007-01-02 |
A consistent classification and nomenclature of the aquifer systems in the state of Hawaii do not exist in spite of the fact that groundwater is an essential water supply source in each island. The classification of water resources currently in...
2008-09-30 1984-12-01 |
The Klamath Project at 100:
Conserving our Resources, Preserving our Heritage
1905- 2005: The First Century of Water for the Klamath Project
Grain Truck, Lower Klamath Lake, 2004
Prepared by Dan Keppen, Executive Director
Klamath Water Users...
2005-04-06 2005-02-15 |