1 map: col., 18 x 20 cm.
"U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 614 Sheet 2."
Scale approximately 8 miles to 1 inch.
A larger scale map of this route can be seen at http://kaga.wsulibs.wsu.edu/zoom/zoom.php?map=wsu381
The next...
1 map; 20 x 55 cm. Map shows route of the Olympian railroad with no topographic detail. Panorama photograph of the Olympian's cars above.
The Olympian was the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company's attempt at transcontinental...
1 map. Relief shown by contours. At head of title: Section XI. "Sheet no. 2." "Register no. 1870." For more sheets from this set of topographic maps of the San Juan Islands as well as more information refer to the index page here. Scale 1:10,000.
We developed empirical models for fish, macroinvertebrate, and diatom assemblages to assess the biological condition of 268 streams sampled from 1993 to 2002 in 7 major river basins in the Appalachian region of the USA. These models estimate the...
Increasingly, geoscientists and biologists are monitoring the natural environment with total station and terrestrial laser scanning surveys. Due to the remote nature of many of the sites monitored (e.g., streams, rivers, glaciers, etc.) the...
Beaver, their dams and associated networks of dens, side-channels and pools have a profound influence on habitat heterogeneity and the complexity of the environments they occupy. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the hydrologic and...
Spatial variability in snow accumulation and melt due to topographic effects on solar radiation, drifting, air temperature, and precipitation is important in detennining the timing of snowmelt releases. Precipitation and temperature effects...
Background/Question/Methods Management and restoration of aquatic ecosystems in sediment-impaired streams requires quantification of sediment sources. The focus here is on determining magnitude and sources of suspended sediment in a tributary of...
The Logan River and its tributaries in northern Utah are among the last remaining habitats that support a significant population of the imperiled Bonneville cutthroat trout (BCT - Oncorhynchus clarki Utah). Efforts to protect and study the...
Beavers (Castor canadensis) are frequently referred to as ‘ecosystem engineers’ in part because of the profound influence their dams and associated networks of dens, side-channels and pools have on habitat heterogeneity and the complexity of the...
An enduring question in geomorphology is the role of riparian vegetation in inducing or exacerbating channel narrowing. It is typically difficult to isolate the role of vegetation in causing channel narrowing, because narrowing typically occurs...
Previous flume-based research on braided channels has revealed four classic mechanisms that produce braiding: central bar development, chute cutoff, lobe dissection, and transverse bar conversion. The importance of these braiding mechanisms...
Expeditions of 1877 Under the Command of 1st Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers. U.S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian. Atlas sheet no. 41 (b). Topographic map with colored patterns indicating grazing areas (green...
The Remembering Whatcom Creek
Collection contain photographs, poetry, newspaper clippings, artwork, and
speeches which document the June 10, 1999 pipeline explosion and the meaning of
Whatcom Creek to the Bellingham Community. The...
Symbols designating extent of irrigation distribution systemo
i 2
r>obabl^ SS^^ope
Distribution system with
1|65 (Contour system using
concrete pipe to outlets
SpriaKLer system only)
% Brush
eg J T
F T...
The Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) is an interagency campus in Newport, Oregon with
a mission of research, education and outreach in marine sciences through collaborative
partnerships. Located on a 49 acre site on Yaquina Bay, Oregon, it is...
2012-02-10 (iso8601)
Although much work has been done on active tectonics of eastern Tibet, little is known about the Longriba fault zone and its role in strain partitioning. Whether its two sub-parallel strands (Longriqu and Maoergai faults) can rupture...
2013-04-29 (iso8601)
A 1-km-horizontal-resolution model based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System is implemented along the Oregon coast to study average characteristics and intermittency of the M₂ internal tide during summer upwelling. Wind-driven and tidally driven...
2011-11 (iso8601)
A six-step reconstruction of the South Pyrenean foreland fold-and-thrust belt in Spain delineates the topographic slope, basal décollement angle, internal deformation, and thrust-front advance from the Early Eocene until the end of contractional...
1997 (iso8601)
Regional ocean circulation along the Oregon coast is studied numerically for forcing fields derived from year 2005 and climatological-mean conditions. The primary object is to study directly the Lagrangian pathways by which fluid arrives in the...
2011-01 (iso8601)