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Chapter X.—Continued Page Future Development—Continued Load—Continued Annual Increase in Per Capita Consumption 331 Components of Future Load 331 Plants and Operations 335 Plants 335 Operations and Production 335...

Document: Chapter I, The Pacific Southwest, "Pacific Southwest Water Plan", August 1963, page 1

Report:United States Department of Interior, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary, Bureau of Reclamation, Floyd E. Dominy, "Pacific Southwest Water Plan", Report of August 1963 as modified January 1964, Chapter I, page 1

Journal: Anthropological Notes, University of Utah Department of Anthropology, "Historical Sites in Glen Canyon, Mouth of San Juan River to Lee's Ferry", Number 46, June 1960, page 119

Document: Washington Draft, Outline of Report on Pacific Southwest Water Plan, July 2, 1963, page 8

Figure 3- Pacific Southwest Water Plan- July 1963- Topographic Maps -- Published maps- mapping in progress- 1965 tentative new starts - 1966-1967 tentative new starts
Page CHAPTER VIII--IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN VIII-1 Development Fund VIII-2 Protection for Areas of Origin VIII-3 Agricultural Uses VIII-4 Enlargement of the California Aqueduct VIII-4 Exchange or Replacement of Water VIII-5 Agreements Relative...
CHAPTER I THE PACIFIC SOUTHWEST Southern California and the Lower Colorado River Basin depend either partially or totally upon the flows of the Colorado River and its tributaries for their water supplies. This report, therefore, treats these...
An irrigation chart of alfalfa and possible topographical map of the same area in the back.
Three orthophotographs. Images have an approximate scale of 1:76,000, and areas shown correspond entirely or partly to the following USGS 7.5-minute, 1:24,000 topographic maps: Commanche Peak, Pingree Park, Crystal Mountain, Trail Ridge, Estes...
Agency Lakes. Oregon. 2005 M.Wood By Gene R. Hoilman, Mary K. Lindenberg, and Tamara Abstract During June-October 2005, water quality data were collected from Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes In Oregon, and meteorological data were collected around...
ABSTRACT These reports document recreation use and estimate carrying capacities for the Klamath River in northern California. The river section studied runs from Interstate 5 near Yreka to the town of Orleans, and includes the lower sections of...
The lecturer at the Government's West Vista House displays a model of the west cofferdam and west portion of the dam in the river diversion stage of construction.
1 map: col., 20 x 20 cm. "U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 614 Sheet 7." Scale approximately 8 miles to 1 inch. A larger scale map of this route can be seen at The next section of the...

1 map : col., 23 x 23 cm. Scale approximately 8 miles to 1 inch. A larger scale map of this route can be seen at The next section of the map moving east is at...

1 map. Relief shown by contours. At head of title: Section XI. "Sheet no. 7." "T-2194." For more sheets from this set of topographic maps of the San Juan Islands as well as more information refer to the index page here. Scale 1:10,000.

1 map. Relief shown by contours. "Sheet no. 13." "Register no. 2302." For more sheets from this set of topographic maps of the San Juan Islands as well as more information refer to the index page here. Scale 1:10,000.

A multi-dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied to aid in the assessment of the potential hazard posed to the uranium mill tailings near Moab, Utah, by flooding in the Colorado River as it flows through Moab Valley. Discharge estimates for the...
[1] Previous flume-based research on braided channels has revealed four classic mechanisms that produce braiding: central bar development, chute cutoff, lobe dissection, and transverse bar conversion. The importance of these braiding mechanisms...
Snowmelt is the principal source for soil moisture, ground-water re-charge, and stream-flow in mountainous regions of the western US, Canada, and other similar regions of the world. Information on the timing, magnitude, and contributing area of...
The basic hydrologic data required to determine the water yield are usually unavailable for small basins and streams while increasing emphasis is being placed on their development. Therefore, some methods and techniques for estimating the amount...
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