Meanders of the shelf break front in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB)
during April and May of 1997 were associated with chlorophyll enhancement along
a hydrographic and a topographic feature. The hydrographic feature was the
surface outcrop of the...
1999 (iso8601)
A field campaign, the Slope Experiment near La Fouly (SELF-2010), was conducted to monitor the evening transition of slope flows on clear-sky days from July to September 2010 in a narrow valley of the Swiss Alps. A steep west-facing slope with...
2013-04 (iso8601)
Gravity data along a N-S profile from Kohistan to the Punjab plain of Pakistan
have been incorporated into recent interpretation of the gross structure of the foreland
fold and thrust belt of the Himalaya. In northern Pakistan large deviations...
1986-12-04 (iso8601)
Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat research has historically focused on fine-scale (0.007 - 0.032 ha) vegetation structure and composition immediately surrounding sites selected by birds. However, little work has evaluated...
2009-04-13T18:32:42Z (iso8601)
Scale [ca. 1:221,760. 1 in. to approx. 3.5 miles] ; 1 map : col. ; 51 x 62 cm ; Relief shown by contours and spot heights ; "Prepared in Washington Office from compilation made in Las Vegas Office." ; "Map no. 24000." ; Includes township and range...
2025-02-20 |
False color satellite photo of the Las Vegas area showing vegetation and some geographic features. Backed with contour map of the same area.
Document: Appendix to Pacific Southwest Water Plan of August 1963 as modified January 1964 "Geological Survey", January 1964, page 11
Journal: Anthropological Notes, University of Utah Department of Anthropology, "Outline History of the Glen Canyon Region 1776 - 1922", Number 42, September 1959, page 97
Quigley, Thomas M.; Arbelbide, Sylvia J., tech. eds. 1997. An assessment of ecosystem components in the interior Columbia basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins: volume 2. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-405. Portland, OR: U.S....
2008-02-28 2005-10-24 |
This document describes the rationale for and implementation of an Integrated Land Management (ILM) Plan for the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). The proposal is the recommendation of 5 representative stakeholders in the...
2006-11-15 2005-06-02 |
Oregon Department of Forestry
Forest Practices Section
2600 State Street
Salem, OR 97310
Dl Fish 8 Wildlife
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Habitat Conservation Division
P. O. Box 59
Portland, OR 97207
Identifying Oregon...
2005-01-20 2004-12-22 |
USGS topographic map of Clay Basin-Browns Park area near the Green River
[1] Increasing availability of high-resolution (1 m) topography data and enhanced computational processing power present new opportunities to study landscape organization at a detail not possible before. Here we propose the use of “directed...
Despite the growing availability of high resolution topography and imagery in fluvial environments, a systematic and coherent framework for the automated derivation of geomorphic units from topography alone does not exist. Coherent morphometric...
Mike Mansfield was a Butte, Montana,
miner who served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1943-1952), the U.S.
Senate (1953-1977), and as the Ambassador to Japan (1977-1988). The collection
consists of his congressional and...
The purpose of this research was to develop snow cover area maps for the Boise River Basin in Idaho. Landsat satellite imagery was used as the basic data source for the development of these maps. The snow covered area information on the Landsat...
Atmospheric pressure changes do not stop at the permeable snow surface but rather propagate into it. These pressure changes range from high-amplitude, low-frequency events caused by seasonal cycles and synoptic weather systems to small-amplitude,...
2016-04-29 (iso8601)
Intensive sampling of the deep Mediterranean outflow 70 km W of the Strait of Gibraltar reveals a strong, tidally modulated gravity current embedded with large-amplitude oscillations and energetic turbulence. The flow appears to be hydraulically...
2012-09-28 (iso8601)
The portion of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) between 5° and 12°S
can be subdivided into three areas by fracture zones that offset the
rise axis at about 6.5°S and 9°S. In all three regions, the spreading
axis of the EPR is defined by a topographic...
1974-06-03 (iso8601)
Multibeam sonar data was collected on Nehalem Bank, off of the Oregon Coast with the purpose of increasing the spatial resolution of our knowledge of the area and delineating seafloor habitats. The system used was the Kongsberg Simrad EM-300...
2006-07-17 (iso8601)
The North Potwar Deformed Zone (NPDZ) is part of the active foreland fold-and-
thrust belt of the Salt Range and Potwar Plateau (SR/PP) in northern Pakistan.
About 500 km of seismic reflection profiles are integrated with surface geologic and...
1990-03-14 (iso8601)
The effect of physical factors such as soil structure, bulk density, parent material, and topographic variables on soil C and N dynamics and ectomycorrhizal inocululu
potential in forests of southwest Oregon were investigated In the high-elevation...
1990-03-01 (iso8601)
Wright's Point, a 250-foot-high, sinuous, flat-topped ridge, projects eastward into Harney Basin, Harney County, Oregon. This 6-mile-long feature ranges from 200 to 600 yards wide and merges with a broad mesa at its western end. The nearest...
1974-03 (iso8601)
'Henry Gannett, chief geographer ; A.H. Thompson, geographer in charge ; triangulation by H.M. Wilson ; topography by H.M. Wilson and Powell survey.' 'Edition of Mar. 1892, reprinted 1929.' Handwritten legend on right-side margin of map.