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This collection contains the administrative papers and landscape architectural drawings of multiple projects from Design Workshop, Inc.; Biographical Note; Design Workshop, Inc. is a leading international landscape architecture firm founded in...

This report presents information on biogeography and broad-scale ecology (macroecology) of selected fungi, lichens, bryophytes, vascular plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates of the interior Columbia River basin and adjacent areas. Rare plants...
Two maps digitized separately; Includes bibliographical references (p. 44-49)
An ever-increasing list of options exist for collecting high resolution topographic data, including airborne LIDAR, terrestrial laser scanners, bathymetric SONAR and structure-from-motion. An equally rich, arguably overwhelming, variety of tools...
'E.M. Douglas, geographer. R.H. Chapman, in charge of section. Topography by R.H. Chapman, B.D. Stewart, J.E. Blackburn and D.F.C. Moor. Traingulation by R.H. Chapman and D.F.C. Moor. Surveyed in1905-1906.' 'Edition of Apr. 1910, reprinted 1947.'...
'1981. Experimental edition 36114-A1-SI-250.' Scale 1:250,000 ; Transverse Mercator proj. (W 116°--W 114°/N 37°--N 36°). Series: Western United States 1:250,000. Western United States 1:250,000 ; NJ 11-12. Filing title: Las Vegas, Nev.; Ariz.;...
Scale 1:250,000 ; Transverse Mercator proj. (W 116°--W 114°/N 37°--N 36°) ; 1 map : col. ; 45 x 72 cm ; Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Contour interval 200 feet ; Margin title ; "Compiled in 1955 by photogrammetric methods by U.S....
changes in concentration. As a rule, the samples for 10 consecutive days would be made into 1 composite sample for a complete analysis. For sediment load computation, samples would be required at very frequent intervals, say hourly, during...

The Maps of Washington (State) and the Pacific Northwest consist of historic and superseded maps depicting forest resources, geology, public lands and land use, hydroelectric projects, highways, and railroads in Washington and the Pacific...

Unique bridge scour mitigation designs using concrete A-Jacks were developed by the Utah Department of Transportation and installed at the Colorado River Bridge at State Road 191 and the Green River Bridge at State Road 19. The U.S. Geological...
'Edited and published by the Bureau of Land Management. Base map prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey.' 'Surface management status by BLM, 1981.Minerals management status by BLM, 1981.' Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Contour interval...
Proposed rule from Federal Register, vol. 59, no. 230, December 1, 1994, pages 61744-61759, inserted after p. 35; Includes biliographical references (p. 31-35)
in the Columbia River Basin. About half of this mileage would be mapped in sufficient detail for preliminary study of dam and reservoir sites in the standard quadrangle survey discussed previously. For the remainder, estimated at between 8,000 and...

The nonlinear dynamics of unstable alongshore currents in the nearshore surf zone over variable barred beach topography are studied using numerical experiments. These experiments extend the recent studies of Allen et al. [1996] and Slnn et al....
2000-07-15 (iso8601)
Journal: Anthropological Notes, University of Utah Department of Anthropology, "Outline History of the Glen Canyon Region 1776 - 1922", Number 42, September 1959, page 102

Analysis of topographic and river morphometric parameters was conducted using digital elevation models (DEMs) and field observations in order to determine the role of variable rock resistance on topographic relief, to examine how spatially and...
2002-11-19 (iso8601)
Document: Chapter IX, Study And Research: "Pacific Southwest Water Plan", August 1963, page 9

Journal: Anthropological Notes, University of Utah Department of Anthropology, "Outline History of the Glen Canyon Region 1776 - 1922", Number 42, September 1959, page 101

Soil depth is an important input parameter in hydrological and ecological modeling. Presently, the soil depth data available in national soil databases (STATSGO, SSURGO) is provided as averages within generalized land units. Spatial uncertainty...
Soil depth is an important input parameter in hydrological and ecological modeling. Presently, the soil depth data available in national soil databases (STATSGO and SSURGO) from the Natural Resources Conservation Service are provided as averages...
The H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest in the Cascades of central Oregon provides a unique opportunity to study spatial climate patterns on a relatively small scale. Historical records at the 64 square-kilometer site provide a spatiallydense...
2002-04-23 (iso8601)
A landslide inventory, statistical analyses and a Geographic Information System (GIS) are used to analyze landslide sites and potentially unstable terrain in the Oregon Coast Range. The objectives are to evaluate the efficacy of locating landslide...
2002-07-15 (iso8601)
Document: "Pacific Southwest Water Plan- Corrected to 8/19" Chapter IX, August 19, 1964, page 9

Topographic Mapping Requirements--The following proposal for topographic mapping in the Pacific Southwest would accelerate, moderately, earlier tentative schedules of the Geological Survey. It is so paced to facilitate general studies involved in...
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