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Weber State University Stewart Library Digital Collections

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"2993 Form work on the Nevada Valve House bench. January 2nd, 1935. 2971 Telephoto view of Nevada Powerhouse units. December 19th, 1934. 2995 Arizona Valve House from the center of the low catwalk. January 2nd, 1935 2973 Telephoto view...

"3401 Boulder Dam and Intake Towers, from the Arizona side. August 26th, 1935. 3391 Looking upstream toward Boulder Lake, from Observation Point. August 21st, 1935. 3408 Looking upstream toward the Nevada Spillway drainage flume and...

"2336 150-ton Government Cableway, completed and in operation. August 19th, 1933. 2326 Blending Plant, recently placed in operation, at the Himix Concrete Plant. August 18th, 1933. 2349 Hoover Dam, Cooling Tower and Refrigeration Plant,...

"3136 Close-up of the Arizona Intake Towers-No. 6 on left, No. 3 on right. Note the forms for the dome of Intake Tower No. 6. March 4th, 1935. 3120 Looking downstream from the Arizona side, showing Boulder Dam, the Intake Towers and...

"2667. Panorama, looking downstream in Black Canyon, taken from the Nevada side, showing the upstream face of 2668. Boulder Dam, Arizona and Nevada Spillways, Intake Towers, Cableways and general construction. May 12th, 1934. 2697. Arizona...

"2781 Looking upstream at Boulder Dam, from the Downstream Cofferdam. July 24th, 1934. 2764 View of the Nevada Powerhouse units from the Arizona retaining wall. July 20th, 1934. 2783 Nevada Powerhouse from the Arizona Valve House...

"2941 Looking downstream at Boulder Dam, from the Arizona rim, showing the Intake Towers. December 3rd, 1934. 2939 View taken from the Arizona abutment, looking across the top of Boulder Dam. December 3rd, 1934. 2954 Nevada Power House,...

"17 No. 3 derrick in service at Boulder Dam. January 24th, 1934. 2529 Boulder Dam, looking upstream. January 31st, 1934."

"2638 Interior view of Power House block A-7, showing reinforcing steel and pipe layout. April 25th, 1934. 2660 Looking upstream in Black Canyon, showing general view of the Power House layout, taken from the Nevada Valve House bench....
"3042 Telephoto view, looking downstream into the Arizona Spillway, showing the bridge under construction. January 28th, 1935 3044 Looking downstream into the Nevada Spillway. January 29th, 1935. 3020 Arizona Valve House, from the Government...

"2541 General view of Nevada Intake Towers from Arizona side, showing Lomix trestle below. February 20th, 1934. 2540 General view of Arizona Intake Towers and Spillway from Nevada Himix trestle. February 20th, 1934."

"2826 Boulder Dam, looking upstream from Lookout Point. August 31st, 1934. 2831 Looking upstream into No. 1 Raise from the river side of the Nevada Spillway, showing form work at portal. August 31st, 1934 "

"2468 Upstream face of Boulder Dam. December 27th, 1933. 2474 Downstream face of Boulder Dam. December 27th, 1933. 2466 Boulder Dam. View taken looking upstream. December 27th, 1933."

"3238 Telephoto view of the Arizona Valve House. April 25th, 1935. 3234 A telephoto view from the Nevada side, showing some of the Arizona Power House roof girders in position. Note the Universal Crane on top. The girder on the flat car has...

"2558 General view of Himix, including Blending Plant silos at left rear of picture. March 1st, 1934. 2543. Looking downstream in Lower No. 2 plug, showing form work. February 20th, 1934. 2542 Excavation for bridge abutment in Arizona...

"2388 Boulder Dam, looking upstream. October 15th, 1933. 2405 Upstream plug in Diversion Tunnel No. 3, after excavation of raise and Upstream Intake Tower was completed. October 30th, 1933. 2413 Boulder Dam, looking downstream. October 31st,...

"2419 Boulder Dam. November 7th, 1933. 2428 Boulder Dam. (Note 10 ft. diameter Power House Gallery forms being installed.) November 22nd, 1933."

"2727 Downstream face of Boulder Dam, taken from Lookout Point. June 16th, 1934. 2743 Looking down the transition into No. 4 Raise. June 21st, 1934. "

"3171 Looking upstream toward Boulder Dam, from the lower portals road. Note the downstream cofferdam excavation. March 26th, 1935. 3157 General view, taken from the Nevada side, looking downstream on Boulder Dam. March 25th, 1935. 3151...

"3549 Looking south toward Boulder Dam Switchyard, showing the construction and excavation. November 26th, 1935. 3551 Looking upstream along the Nevada approach to Boulder Dam. Note the rubble wall being built and excavation for tower...

"2262 Hoover Dam. June 27th, 1933. 2256 Cut-off trench at upstream side of Hoover Dam. June 23rd, 1933. 2263 Hoover Dam. June 27th, 1933."

"2739 Arizona Intake Towers. June 21st, 1934. 2738 Nevada Intake Towers. June 21st, 1934. "

"3269 Boulder Dam, looking downstream from the Arizona side. May 27th, 1935. 3296 Boulder Dam, looking downstream from the Nevada side, showing Spillways and the Intake Towers. June 1st, 1935. 3284 Looking in a general downstream...

"3203 View of Power House Governor Gallery, Elevation 645, looking downstream on the Arizona side. April 10th, 1935. 3201 View of Power House Turbine Gallery, Elevation 643, looking downstream on the Arizona side. April 10th, 1935. 3199...

"2895 Nevada Intake Towers, from the Arizona side. October 25th, 1934. 2901 Looking downstream, showing Spillways, Intake Towers and upstream face of Boulder Dam. October 25th, 1934."

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