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Control of long‐established invasive species to aid threatened native species presents major logistic and economic challenges. Invasive common carp (Cyprinus carpio ) recently accounted for over 90% of the fish biomass in Utah Lake (Utah, USA),...
Crucial to the successful conservation of endangered species is the overlap of their ranges with protected areas. We analyzed protected areas in the continental USA to assess the extent to which they covered the ranges of endangered tetrapods. We...
Abstract Channels change in response to natural or anthropogenic fluctuations in streamflow and/or sediment supply and measurements of channel change are critical to many river management applications. Whereas repeated field surveys are costly and...
Climate change and human activities are promoting the dominance of a photosynthetic family of aquatic bacteria, cyanobacteria. Blooms of cyanobacteria are not only a visual nuisance but can produce a variety of cyanotoxins than can harm the liver,...
This study assessed how vegetation will influence long-term runoff trends across the western United States (western US) in the future. I used a land surface model with improved dynamic vegetation root processes to better quantify regional runoff...
Rivers provide habitat for aquatic species, but widespread human water development degrades aquatic habitat, fragments stream networks, and threatens native fish populations. Habitat suitability models are commonly used to identify current...
Ecosystem services, or benefits from the environment, are plentiful and vary from place to place. Human activities and climate change have impacted these services in every region of the world. This dissertation explores multiple ecosystem...
As a result of their extensive home ranges and slow population growth rates, predators have often been perceived to suffer higher risks of extinction than other trophic groups. Our study challenges this extinction-risk paradigm by quantitatively...
Changes in the abundance, diet, and daily ration of adult and sub-adult Bear Lake sculpin (Cottus extensus) were investigated seasonally along a littoral to profundal transect in Bear Lake to determine if or when sculpin were food limited. During...
Climate change is causing rapid glacial recession and earlier snowmelt, which alter the physical and chemical properties of rivers. As a result, organisms at the base of the food web are responding in unforeseen ways. We use the nuisance algae D....
The last stronghold of the California Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) population, which exists in the Sierra Nevada, continues to decline, necessitating a clearer understanding of how meadows provide habitat for the species. To gain this...
Understanding how natural variation in flow regimes influences stream ecosystem structure and function is critical to the development of effective stream management policies and actions. Spatial variation in flow regimes is well understood for...
The hooded vulture Necrosyrtes monachus is a critically endangered species and recently published evidence suggests that its population is experiencing an extremely rapid decline, owing to indiscriminate poisoning, trade for traditional medicine,...
Human land-use can increase the amount of non-point source (NPS) pollution in a stream, negatively affecting ecosystem health and beneficial services provided by an ecosystem. Unfortunately, NPS pollution remains high in many waterbodies. Beaver...
Stream drying, especially in the western U.S., is becoming more common as climate warms and precipitation patterns become less predictable; consequently, fisheries managers need to prioritize conservation efforts where water (and fish) will...
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient that allows life in water to flourish, but changes in phosphorus supplies are not well understood in remote watersheds. In mountain environments, remote watersheds contain critical high-quality water supplies...
Channelization of the Greenwater River has resulted in a loss of habitat for Chinook salmon, a species listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In order to restore habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms, a design was developed...
Colorado River managers face many uncertainties—issues like climate change, future water demand, and evolving ecological priorities—and are looking for new tools to help cope with this uncertain future. They need new ways to help classify...
Biased perspectives of fisheries researchers may hinder scientific progress and effective management if limiting factors controlling productivity go unrecognized. We investigated whether river and lake researchers used different approaches when...
Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental and social issues of the 21st century. Recent work has highlighted the atmosphere’s role in transporting microplastics to remote locations [S. Allen et al., Nat. Geosci. 12, 339 (2019)...
Increasing temperature and shifting precipitation regimes due to climate change are a significant threat to winter recreation. Some businesses such as high-elevation ski resorts are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. However,...
Over the last century native cutthroat trout populations have declined in the western United States. Habitat fragmentation is one of the main causes for this decline. Human actions such as the construction of roads, weirs, dams, and water...
The urolithiasis condition investigated occurred at a "hard water" hatchery in Utah after the trout were changed from a meat diet to a commercial pelleted fish feed as a sole sustaining diet in 1961. Numerous diet modifications proved unsuccessful...
Populations of the introduced book trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, have recently become more widespread and abundant in western North American streams, possible at the expense of native Colorado River cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki...
During the summer of 1958, a study of the "Population Dynamics of the Small Benthic Fishes of Bear Lake, Idaho and Utah," was sponsored in part by a National Science Foundation grant to the Wildlife Management Department of Utah State University....
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